BREAKOUT SESSION_Maximizing Indian Health Care Programs | | 2022-conference | breakout-session |
BREAKOUT SESSION_NonBIA Listening Session | | 2022-conference | breakout-session |
BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation Handout | | 2022-conference | breakout-session |
BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Document Page Request (2nd Request) example | | 2022-conference | breakout-session |
BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Document Page Request_TTE example | | 2022-conference | breakout-session |
BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Questionnaire Example | | 2022-conference | breakout-session |
BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Questionnaire Example 2 | | 2022-conference | breakout-session |
BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Tribal Representation Letter Template Example | | 2022-conference | breakout-session |
LETTER_Sec. Becerra_SelfGovernanceExpansionResponse 07282022 | | 2022-conference | letter |
PRESENTATION 2022 Self-Gov Increasing Medicare Medicaid and Other Revenue | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRESENTATION BIL funding Presentation – July 2022 | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRESENTATION Nation-Building and Self-Governance 7-2022 | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRESENTATION Self Regulation Power Point READ only 072722 | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRESENTATION 2022 SelfGovernace Trust Evaluations | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRESENTATION 2022 Tribal Self-Governance Conference (AVSO 072922) | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRESENTATION Census_AIAN PPT_TSGC_Aug 2022 | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRESENTATION DRES Updates – PIA (07.25.2022) | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRESENTATION OTS Presentation – July 2022 | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRESENTATION TSGAC Webinar – TRIBAL SPONSORSHIP w- MARKETPLACE COVERAGE 2022-07-26b | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRSENTATION GAO Appropriations Law Slides – August 1, 2022 | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRSENTATION ISDEAAFacilityLeaseTribalExample | | 2022-conference | presentation |
PRSENTATION naywcf bb presentation july 2022 | | 2022-conference | presentation |
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS_Federal Register_SG Planning Funds_2022-15075 | | 2022-conference | supplemental-materials |
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS_Press Release_IHS Funding Opportunities Support Tribal Self | | 2022-conference | supplemental-materials |
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS_Support for Alcatraz Cultural Center | | 2022-conference | supplemental-materials |