SGCETC serves as an information clearinghouse for Tribal Self-Governance. Search our document library for a vast array of Self-Governance information, including relevant laws and regulations, historic documents, training materials, studies and reports, and experiences of Tribal nations that negotiated a Self-Governance compact with the Department of the Interior and/or the Indian Health Service. To search for documents, you can select a category to see all documents within that category. You can also search by keyword using the “search” function.

(1) DOI SGAC Agenda – February 2022

Agenda for the DOI SGAC Meeting – February 1, …

130 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(1) DOI SGAC Agenda – February 2024

30 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(1) DOI SGAC Agenda – July 2024

221 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeessgac
(1) TSGAC Agenda – February 2024

36 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
(1) Updated TSGAC Agenda – July 2024

136 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
(2) DOI SGAC Meeting Minutes – Feb 2024

238 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeessgac
(2) DOI SGAC Meeting Minutes – July 2021

213 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(2) SGAC December 2023 Meeting Minutes

37 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(2) TSGAC Feb 2024 Meeting Minutes

278 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
(2) TSGAC Meeting Minutes – December 2023

54 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
(3) SGAC Letter to ASIA Newland following December Meeting

218 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(3) TSGAC Area Nomination Process- OK 1 and OK 2

83 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
(3a)Non-BIA Consultation – Federal Register Notice

467 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(3b) Non-BIA Consultation – OSG Presentation

450 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(3c) Non-BIA Consultation – AVSO Presentation

365 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(4) ACA Project Updates – PRESENTATION

238 KBpptxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
(4a) NCAI Budget Update

183 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(4b) FY23 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies – Witness Testimony Instructions

568 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(4c) Budget Update Presentation from BIA

1 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(5) Office of Self-Governance Presentation

922 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(6) DTLL: DOT’s consultation/120 day comment period on DOT’s Tribal policy

136 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(7) Presentation from BIA Office of Trust Services

568 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
(8) DTLL: Orphan Well Targeted Engagement

290 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
1. DOI SGAC Agenda – March 2023

24 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
1. DOI SGAC Agenda – Nov 10

417 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
1. DOI SGAC Agenda for August 2023 Meeting

132 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
1. IHS TSGAC Agenda – Nov 7, 2022 Meeting

495 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
1. SGAC AGENDA – December 2023

170 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
1. SGAC Agenda – July 2021

231 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
1. TSGAC Agenda

224 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
1. TSGAC Agenda – December 2023

168 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
1. TSGAC Agenda – March 2023

225 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
1. TSGAC Agenda – November 9, 2021

209 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
1. TSGAC Agenda- July 2021

23 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
1973: Senate Hearing – Self-Determination

Hearings before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs on the following legislation relating to Indian participation …

22 MBpdfcongress
1975- Public Law 93-638 – Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act

“An Act to provide maximum Indian participation in the Government and education of the Indian …

, 1,001 KBpdfhistoric-materials laws-regulations
1976- Handbook for Decision Makers on Title I of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act

“Published November 4, 1975 in the Federal Register, these Regulations have been developed by the …

1,015 KBpdfself-determination-resourcesdoi
1977- American Indian Policy Review Commission Vol. 1

“Tho report is responsive to the provisions of P. L. 93-580 which established this Commission …

47 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
1978- Senate Hearing: Amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act

“S. 2460, to amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. I consider this measure …

5 MBpdfcongress
1984- PL98-250- To make technical amendments to the ISDEAA.

“The provisions of this Act shall not be subject to the requirements of the Federal …

, 48 KBpdfhistoric-materials laws-regulations
1987 – Lummi Nation – Internal Planning Document

3 MBpdfhistoric-materials
1987- AAIL – Proposal to the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee – PDF

Proposal submitted to the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee by the Alliance of American Indian Leaders …

4 MBpdfhistoric-materials
1987- S. Report 100-508

“The purpose of S. 129, the Indian Health Care Amendments of 1987, is to reauthorize …

, 6 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
1988- Goals, Institutions and the BIA: Problems with Federal Indian Policy

“This paper examines the nature of the Federal-Indian relationship and contends that most problems in …

2 MBpdfother journal-articles
1988- PL100-472- Indian Self-Determination Amendments of 1987

Moving beyond specific contracts between the tribes and the Secretary of the Interior, Congress authorized …

, 637 KBpdfhistoric-materials laws-regulations
1988- President Reagan’s Statement on Signing the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Amendments of 1988

“Today I have approved H.R. 1223, the “Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Amendments of …

83 KBpdfhistoric-materials
1988- Self-Governance Demonstration Project – Obstacles Report

2 MBpdfhistoric-materials
1988- The Native Nevadan: Hoopa Valley Tribe a Model for Self-Governance

“The self-governance project will be a natural transition for the Hoopa Reservation, according to Wilfred …

18 MBpdfhistoric-materials
1989- “Indian Self-Determination the Ideal and Indian Self-Governance the Reality” – Joe DeLaCruz Speech

No right is more sacred to a nation, to a people, than the right to …

, 6 MBpdfhistoric-materials tribal-nations-experience
1989- Cherokee Advocate

Includes articles on plans for the Cherokee Nation to enter into a self-governance …

, 11 MBpdfhistoric-materials negotiations self-governance-resources
1989- Lummi Indian Nation Report to Congress on “Progress in the Self-Governance Planning Process”

, 8 MBpdfhistoric-materials tribal-nations-experience

“The committee meets today to examine the process of implementation of the amendments that were …

7 MBpdfcongress
1989- Smart v. State Farm Insurance Co.

239 KBpdfjudicial
1990- DOI Solicitors Opinion: Request for Opinion on Certain Aspects of Self Governance Contracts under Pub. L. 100-472

“What is necessary to determine that a tribe has successfully completed a Self-Governance Planning Grant …

392 KBpdfeligibility self-governance-resourcesdoi
1991- Char-Koosta News Article: More Tribes Join Self-Governance Project

WASHINGTON (Indian News) — As seven more Indian tribes gear up to take over the …

202 KBpdfhistoric-materials
1991- PL 102-184: Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act

Extends the Demonstration Project within DOI for 3 years Increases number of tribes that can …

, 79 KBpdfhistoric-materials laws-regulations
1991- President Bush Statement on Signing the Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act

“Today I am signing into law H.R. 3394, the “Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act.” This …

229 KBpdfhistoric-materials
1991- Senate Hearing: Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act

“The Self-Governance Demonstration Project, I believe, is one of the brightest spots on the horizon …

, 8 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
1992 – Issue 1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletters

Inside: Self-Governance Extended and Expanded by Bipartisan Congress; Messages from the President and Interior Secretary; …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1992 – Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletters

Inside: Self-Governance Tribes Begin Planning and Budget Research with the Indian Health Service; Tribes Can …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1992 – Issue 6 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

December 1992 edition of the Sovereign Nations newsletter featuring Clinton Commentary, A Look at the …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1992- ASIA Eddie Brown’s Speech at SG Conference

1 MBpdfhistoric-materials

389 KBpdfjudicial
1992- Issue 3- Sovereign Nations Newsletter

1 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1992- Issue 4 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1992- News from Indian Country: Tribal self-governance or Tribal self-determine: Is there a difference?

“At least 6 more tribes will contract with the federal government before the end of …

227 KBpdfhistoric-materials
1992- Overview of Costs and Benefits of the Demonstration Project

Overview of Costs and Benefits of the Self-Governance Demonstration Project (From a Tribal and BIA …

, 7 MBpdfhistoric-materials tribal-nations-experience
1992- PL 102-573- Indian Health Amendments of 1992

Established the IHS Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project. The first IHS Demonstration Project agreements were signed …

, 3 MBpdfhistoric-materials laws-regulations
1992- Summaries of Tribal Experiences with SG Demonstration Project

, 6 MBpdfhistoric-materials tribal-nations-experience
1992-Overview of costs and Benefits Self – Governance Demonstration Project From a Tribal and BIA Perspective After the First Year of Operation

, , 7 MBpdffederal-studies historic-materials tribal-nations-experience journal-articles
1992-Process of Distributing Funds to Self-Governance Tribes

, , 1,022 KBpdfhistoric-materials implementation other self-governance-resources journal-articles
1993 – Issue 3 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Self-Governance Access; Sam Cagey Memoriam; Embarking on New Frontiers, Spring Conference Agenda; Salish Kootenai …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1993 – Issue 4 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Rocky Boy Reservation; Senator John McCain; Dr. Brown’s Speech; Spring Conference; Felix Cohen …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1993 – Issue 5 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Video Production; OSG Director Bill Lavelle; President Clinton & Tribes; Grand Traverse Tribe; Policy …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1993 – Issue 6 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: History of Self-Governance; Congressman Yates; Absentee Shawnee; Focus on Indian Health Care; Kawerak and …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1993 – Issue 7 – Sovereign Nations Newsletters

Inside: Obstruction Techniques; Lummi Indian Nation; House Appropriations; Inspector General; Q&A Forum; History, Part 2; …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1993 – Issue 8 – Sovereign Nations Newsletters

Inside: History Part 3; Where Eagles Fly; Q & A Forum; Squaxin Island; Chickasaw Nation; …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1993 – Issue 9 – Sovereign Nations Newsletters

Inside: Self-Governance Conference; Bill Lavell to Retire; Oneida Nation; SG Policy Council; Meeting with IHS; …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1993 – Issue1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: The Indian and the Constitution IHS Inclusion Lower Elwha and Self-Governance Swinomish Tribe The …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1993- April – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

In this issue: Rocky Boy Reservation Senator John McCain Dr. Brown’s Speech Felix Cohen …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1993- Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

In this issue: Bill Lavell to Retire Oneida Nation SG Policy Council Meeting with IHS …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc

“Today’s hearing will focus on the implementation of the Self-governance Demonstration Project Act by the …

, 7 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
1994 – Issue 1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership, Senator John McCain, Representative Bill Richardson, Tribe/HHS Meet in Las …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1994 – Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: House Marks Up H.R. 3508;President Clinton Express Support for Tribal Self-Governance; Ron Brown, Acting …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1994 – Issue 3 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: The recent Social Services conference in Seattle produced results and direction for the future; …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1994 – Issue 4 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Permanent Status legislation has been passed by the Senate; The House-Senate Conferees have completed …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1994- Cherokee Advocate

Includes articles reflecting on Principal Chief Wilma Mankiller’s administration, including …

8 MBpdfhistoric-materials

“This morning we will be taking testimony on the implementation of the Indian Self-Determination Act, …

8 MBpdfcongress
1994- Indian Health Service Self-Governance Review Through 1994 Negotiations

“The Indian Health Service Office of Tribal Self-Governance contracted with Kauffinan and Associates, Inc. under …

, 4 MBpdfnegotiations planning self-governance-resourcesihs
1994- PL 103-413- Indian Self-Determination Act Amendments of 1994

Establishes Title IV, making Self-Governance a permanent tribal option within DOI. Makes amendments to Title …

, 1 MBpdfhistoric-materials laws-regulations
1994- PL 103-435

Extends the IHS Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project to 18 years and authorizes the establishment of …

, 435 KBpdfhistoric-materials laws-regulations
1994: House Hearing on H.R.3508/ S.1618 – Tribal Self-Governance Act of 1993

Statement of Ada Deer, Assistant Secretary- Indian Affairs: “As former chairperson of the Menominee Nation, …

, 7 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
1995 – Compact of Self-Governance between Skokomish Indian Tribe and the Department of the Interior

1995 – Compact of Self-Governance between Skokomish Indian Tribe and the Department of the …

103 KBpdfimplementation self-governance-resourcesdoi
1995 – Issue 1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Senator John McCain addresses concerns with the passage of H.R. 4842, The people of …

4 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1995 – Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Self-Governance Bureau of Indian Affairs & Indian Health Service Workshops and Tribal Caucus; Department …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1995 – Issue 3 – Sovereign Nations Newsletters

Inside: White House Meeting with Tribal Leaders; Cherokee Rural Health Network; Self-Governance Audit Report 95-I-699; …

3 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1995 – Issue 4 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Slade vs. The Tribes; Bill Sinclair Named as Director of the DOI Office of …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1995 – Issue 5 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Assumption of Federal Programs; Update from Tribal Self-Governance and IHS Fall Conference; Interview with …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1995- Cherokee Advocate Articles

Includes numerous articles about the Cherokee Nation’s experience since 1990 with …

11 MBpdfhistoric-materials
1995- Self-Governance Compact – Duckwater Shoshone Tribe


125 KBpdfimplementation self-governance-resourcesdoi
1995- White Earth Nation Newspaper Article

Includes an article focused on the White Earth Nation delving into …

6 MBpdfhistoric-materials
1996 – Issue 1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: BIA Northwest Field Office Spearheads Negotiations, Tribal Leaders Descend Upon Seattle for BIA Spring …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1996 – Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: BIA Proposes to Transfer Key Funds to TPA; Questions Continue To Be Raised Over …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1996 – Issue 3 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: DOI Fall Self-Governance conference: Focus on Negotiated Rulemaking; Preserving Tribal Sovereignty and Treaty Rights …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1996- Cherokee Advocate: Cherokee Nation to Take Over Contract Health Services at W.W. Hastings

Article in the Cherokee Advocate about the Cherokee Nation’s plans to assume administrative responsibility for …

12 MBpdfhistoric-materials
1996- DOI Solicitor Opinion on Inherently Federal Functions

General guidance on the definition for inherently federal …

, 1 MBpptinterior planning federal-agencies self-governance-resourcesdoi
1997 – Issue 1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Year-ahead perspectives from IHS Director Dr. Trujilo and BIA OSG Director Bill Sinclair, NCAI …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1997 – Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: New Focus At IHS Spring Conference; DOI Spring Conference Focuses on New Partnership Between …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1997 – Issue 3 – Sovereign Nation Newsletter

Inside: Self-Governance Funding Leads to Increase in College Graduates at Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe; HUD …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1997 – Issue 4 – Sovereign Nations Newsletters

Inside: IHS Self-Governance Conference Heads to Alaska; Tribal Profile: Ketchikan Indian Corporation; Self-Governance – An …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc


425 KBpdfeligibility self-governance-resourcesdoi

“We concluded that the Tribes effectively managed agricultural leasing on the reservation. Specifically, they: (1) …

, 87 KBpdffederal-studies interior journal-articles federal-agencies
1997- Strate v. A-1 Contractors – Supreme Court

344 KBpdfjudicial
1997- Tribal Self-Governance Amendments of 1997 – Congressional Record

“The Tribal SelfdGoverance Amendments of 1997 establish a permanent self-governance program within the Department of …

, 327 KBpdfcongress historic-materials
1998 – Issue 1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Tribal Profile: Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Interview with Dr. Trujilo, NIHB Self-Governance …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1998 – Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Self-Governance Provides Hope for Shoalwater Tribe; National Group to Address Contract Support …

1 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1998 – Issue 3 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Poarch Creek Tribe Enter Self-Governance Before Moratorium; Tribes Bid Farewell to Congressman Yates; 105th …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
1998 – Issue 4 – Sovereign Nations Newsletters

Inside: Self-Governance at the Crossroads; BIA Issues Tackled at Conference; Dr. Trujillo Addresses IHS Issues …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc

“Good morning and welcome to today’s hearing on S. 2097, the Indian Tribal Conflict Resolution, …

, 7 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
1999- BIA Report on Tribal Priority Allocations

“As part of Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) funding, Tribal Priority Allocations (TPA) are the …

, 3 MBpdffederal-studies interior journal-articles federal-agencies
1999- Chehalis Tribe et al. v. Portland Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

“appeal is dismissed for lack of …

636 KBpdfjudicial

“This Handbook sets out the procedures to guide the actions of all agencies of the …

1 MBpdfself-determination-resources

“In 1975 we passed the Indian Self-Determination Education Assistance Act. We have not always done …

, 6 MBpdfcongress historic-materials

“Based on the government-to-government relationship, self-governance allows tribes to step into the shoes of the …

, 4 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
1a. Agenda Topics with Key Discussion Points from Tribal Caucus

215 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
1a. TSGAC Tribal Caucus Agenda – March 2023

228 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
1b. TSGAC – Discussion Items

27 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2. DOI SGAC Meeting Summary (March 2023)

205 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2. IHS TSGAC Meeting Summary (March 2023)

249 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2. Meeting Summary – TSGAC November Meeting

221 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2. Nomination – Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut

94 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2. SGAC Meeting Summary – August 2023

54 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2. SGAC Meeting Summary – November 2022

39 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2. SGAC Meeting Summary from Feb. 2021

36 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2. TSGAC Meeting Summary – August 2023

46 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2. TSGAC Meeting Summary – February 2021

44 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2. TSGAC Meeting Summary – July 2021

32 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2. TSGAC Meeting Summary – November 2022

39 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2000- 42 CFR Part 36 – Final Rule to Implement the Tribal Self-Governance Amendments of 2000

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) hereby issues this final …

237 KBpdflaws-regulations
2000- Final DOI Regulations for Title IV

“This is a rule to implement Tribal Self-Governance, as authorized by Title IV of the …

394 KBpdflaws-regulationsdoi
2000- GAO Report- FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS ACT: Claims History and Issues Affecting Coverage for Tribal Self-Determination Contracts

“Under the first 15 years of the Self-Determination Act, tribal contractors generally assumed liability for …

139 KBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
2000- GAO Report: FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS ACT- Issues Affecting Coverage for Tribal Self-Determination Contracts

“Federal regulations implementing FTCA prescribe the process that federal agencies must follow in resolving claims …

624 KBpdffederal-studies journal-articles

278 KBpdfjudicial
2001- Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Business Council v. Bureau of Indian Affairs

The BIA was justified in effecting an emergency reassumption, pursuant to 25 U.S.C. §450m, of …

66 KBpdfjudicial
2002- Delaware Tribe of Indians v. Bureau of Indian Affairs

This case involves Appellant Delaware Tribe of Indian’s (Appellant, Delaware Tribe or Tribe) appeal of …

71 KBpdfjudicial
2002- Mariano Lake Community School Board v. Director, Office of Indian Education Programs, Bureau of Indian Affairs

57 KBpdfjudicial
2002- Seminole Nation of Oklahoma v. Acting Eastern Oklahoma Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

The Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, through its Principal Chief, Jerry Haney, seeks an extension of …

17 KBpdfjudicial
2003- Chambers, Ken v. Acting Eastern Oklahoma Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Appellant Ken Chambers sought review of two decisions issued by the Acting Eastern Oklahoma Regional …

20 KBpdfjudicial
2003- House Oversight Hearing on “Tribal Self-Governance”

“While a good start, a number of tribes observed problems in implementing the Act, such …

, 3 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
2003- Kaw Nation of Oklahoma v. Acting Southern Plains Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

On May 21, 2003, the Board of Indian Appeals (Board) received a notice of appeal …

23 KBpdfjudicial
2003- McKenzie, Clifford v. Senior Awarding Official, Southern Plains Regional Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Appellant Clifford McKenzie, Chairman, Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma (Tribe) appealed a March 18, 2003, Notice …

19 KBpdfjudicial
2003- Myths and Realities of Tribal Sovereignty: The Law and Economics of Indian Self-Rule

“The last three decades have witnessed a remarkable resurgence of the American Indian nations in …

311 KBpdfother journal-articles
2003-HHS Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Feasibility Study

, , 37 MBpdffederal-studies health-and-human-services historic-materials journal-articles federal-agencies
2004- Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, 33rd Business Committee of v. Superintendent and Awarding Official, Concho Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Appellant 33rd Business Committee of the Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma (Tribes) seeks review …

25 KBpdfjudicial

“Since President Nixon’s time Indian tribes have shown that they are much better prepared than …

, 3 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
2004- Labor Relations and Tribal Self-Governance

This article argues that the San Manuel decision and the Tuscarora- Coeur d’Alene line of …

2 MBpdfother journal-articles
2004- Navajo Nation and Board of Directors of Shiprock Alternative Schools, Inc. v. Office of Indian Education Programs and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs

The Navajo Nation (Nation) and the Board of Directors of Shiprock Alternative Schools, Inc. (SASI) …

49 KBpdfjudicial
2004- Thlopthlocco Tribal Town v. Eastern Oklahoma Regional Awarding Official, Bureau of Indian Affairs

On November 1, 2004, the Board of Indian Appeals (Board) received a notice of appeal …

17 KBpdfjudicial
2004: This Is My Reservation; I Belong Here: Salish and Kootenai Battle Termination with Self-Determination, 1953-1999

“This article discusses the tribal reactions to and struggle over the issues of Indian-white conflict, …

2 MBpdftribal-nations-experience
2005- Buffalo Tiger, Bobo Dean, and the “Young Turks”: A Miccosukee Prelude to the 1975 Indian Self-Determination Act

“On 12 June 1971 United States Commissioner of Indian Affairs Louis R. Bruce journeyed to …

1 MBpdfother journal-articles
2005- The Political Process of Factionalism and Self-Governance at Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico

“This paper offers a partial political history of Santa Clara Pueblo by studying the process …

4 MBpdfother journal-articles
2005- Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation v. Great Plains Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation

The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation (the Tribes) have timely appealed an …

91 KBpdfjudicial
2006- Aleutian Pribilof Islands Ass’n v. Northwest Representative, Office of Self-Governance, Bureau of Indian Affairs (Aug 2006)

The Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA) has appealed a determination by the Bureau of Indian …

62 KBpdfjudicial
2006- Aleutian Pribilof Islands Ass’n v. Northwest Representative, Office of Self-Governance, Bureau of Indian Affairs (Nov 2006)

The Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA) seeks review of an August 31, 2006 Recommended Decision …

22 KBpdfjudicial
2006- Citizen Potawatomi Nation v. Director, Office of Self-Governance, Bureau of Indian Affairs

“Appellant Citizen Potawatomi Nation (Citizen Potawatomi) seeks review of a preaward dispute with the Director, …

913 KBpdfjudicial
2006- DOI National Policy Memorandum- Contract Support Costs

“This policy is intended to provide guidance to both tribal, and Bureau of Indian Affairs …

386 KBpdfinterior federal-agenciesdoi
2006- Indian Country Today Article: Self-governance testimony asserts further lawlessness at Interior

“The BIA is a part of Interior. Delia Carlyle, chairman of the Ak-Chin Indian Community …

214 KBpdfhistoric-materials
2006- Wasson, Sharon, et al. v. Acting Western Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Sharon Wasson, Thomas Wasson, Andrea Davidson, and Elverine Castro (Appellants) seek review of a March …

124 KBpdfjudicial
2007- (Nov) SGAC Meeting Minutes

4 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2007- EPA IG Report: Tribal Successes Protecting the Environment and Natural Resources

“This unique report was prepared to promote Tribal programmatic capability and capacity. This report provides …

3 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
2007- Trenton Indian Service Area v. Billings Area Director, Indian Health Service

This matter is before me on cross motions for dismissal or for summary judgment. Appellant, …

172 KBpdfjudicial
2007- Yerington Paiute Tribe v. Director, Indian Health Service

The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (“ISDA”), gives Indian tribes the option to contract …

207 KBpdfjudicial
2008- (October) SGAC Meeting Agenda

1 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2008- Self-Governance, The Red Book

Describes the fundamental principles of Tribal Sovereignty, provides the background of the Self-Governance project, and …

, , , , 68 MBpdfeligibility implementation negotiations planning self-governance-resources

“It has been nearly 40 years since President Nixon issued his famous special message to …

4 MBpdfcongress
2008- The Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah (PITU) v. Southern Paiute Agency Superintendent, Bureau of Indian Affairs

BIA only partly met its burden of proof to clearly demonstrate the validity of the …

189 KBpdfjudicial
2008: Framework for Developing Tribal Capacity Needed in the Indian General Assistance Program

“The purpose of IGAP grants is to help tribes develop environmental programs, and over 70 …

731 KBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
2009- Draft Tribal Self-Governance Annual Report to Congress

“This 2009 annual report on Tribal Self-Governance is submitted by the Secretary of the Interior …

, 1 MBpdffederal-studies interior journal-articles federal-agencies
2010 Paper: American Indian Self-Determination: The Political Economy of a Policy that Works

Excerpt: “federal promotion of tribal self-government under formal policies known as ‘self-determination’ is turning out …

1 MBpdfother journal-articles
2010- An Introduction to the Federal Tort Claims Act in Indian Self-Determination Act Contracting

“Because the FTCA and the interplay between the federal and tribal governments can be challenging, …

, 1 MBpdfother planning journal-articles self-governance-resources
2011- Apache Tribe of Oklahoma v. Southern Plains Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

This matter is before me on an appeal filed by the Apache Tribe of Oklahoma …

2 MBpdfjudicial
2011- DOI Annual Self-Governance Report to Congress

This 2011 annual report on Tribal Self-Governance is submitted by the Secretary of the Interior …

, 11 MBpdffederal-studies interior journal-articles federal-agencies

“This comment proposes a two-pronged approach for preserving the self-governance benefits of Indian preference. First, …

2 MBpdfother journal-articles
2011-DOI Annual Self-Governance Report to Congress

“This 2011 annual report on Tribal Self-Governance is submitted by the Secretary of the Interior …

, 11 MBpdffederal-studies interior journal-articles federal-agencies
2012 – Program Formulas Matrix Report

Per a directive issued by the Self Governance advisory Committee (SGAC), the Technical Workgroup conduct …

, 679 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence interior advisory-committees federal-agenciessgac
2012- DOI Annual Self-Governance Report to Congress

“This 2012 annual report on Tribal Self-Governance is submitted by the Secretary of the Interior …

, 640 KBpdffederal-studies interior journal-articles federal-agencies
2012- Little River Band of Ottawa Indians News Article

“The Little River Band of Ottawa Indians is in the final stages of negotiating a …

4 MBpdfhistoric-materials
2013- DOI Annual Self-Governance Report to Congress

“This 2012 annual report on Tribal Self-Governance is submitted by the Secretary of the Interior …

, 637 KBpdffederal-studies interior journal-articles federal-agencies
2013- Indian Affairs Response to Issued Raised at the January and April 2013 SGAC Meetings

Response from the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs to the SGAC on issues discussed at …

3 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2013- Inter-agency MOU on Water and Wastewater Support


, 249 KBpdfhealth-and-human-services interior federal-agencies
2014 – CMS – Third Party Payments of Premiums for Qualified Health Plans in the Marketplaces

On November 4, 2013, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) issued a frequently …

173 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014 – Response to Dear Tribal Leader Letter on Expanding the Medicare-Like Rate Cap to Non-Hospital Services

A letter to Dr. Yvette Roubideaux  supporting  expansion of the Medicare-Like Rate Cap to non-hospital …

75 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014 – Tribal Self-Governance Annual Report to Congress

This 2014 annual report on Tribal Self-Governance is submitted by the Secretary of the Interior …

, 693 KBpdffederal-studies interior journal-articles federal-agencies
2014 – TSGAC Letter: Shared Responsibility Payment

A letter to Dr. Buckberg (Dept. of Treasury) regarding the hardship exemption granted to Native …

154 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac

“Although the sovereignty of Indian tribes may not be guaranteed or defined in the Constitution, …

3 MBpdfother journal-articles

“…this article provides an overview of key considerations in negotiating and drafting a contract by …

766 KBpdfother journal-articles
2014- Indian Affairs Response to Issues Raised at the July 2014 SGAC Meeting

Response from the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs on issues raised at the July 2014 …

2 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2014- SGAC Meeting Summary- October

123 KBdocadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2014- TSGAC Comments: CMS – Third-Party Payments of Premiums for Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) in the Marketplace

On November 4, 2013, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) issued a frequently …

567 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Comments: CMS-9944-9 – Notice of Benefits and Payments Parameters for 2016

Comments regarding the proposed rule titled “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; HHS Notice of …

504 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Information Request Letter – Issuers of Qualified Health Plans

A letter requesting information regarding the contract offers made by issuers of Qualified Health Plans …

1 MBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: CMS Tribal Technical Advisory Committee – Membership Appointment

This letter serves as formal notification that the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) is reappointing  …

22 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Comment on Proposed Emergency Preparedness Rule (CMS-3178-P)

Comments regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) proposed rule “Emergency Preparedness Requirements …

129 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Comments on CMS Funding Methodology for 2015

Comments in response to the notice titled “Basic Health Program: Proposed Federal Funding Methodology for …

490 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Comments on Draft 2015 CCIIO Letter to Issuers

Comment regarding CMS-9958-P, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Exchange Functions: Eligibility for Exemptions; Miscellaneous …

129 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Comments on IHS Proposed Rule entitled “Payment for Physician and Other Health Care Professional Services Purchased by Indian Health Programs and Medical Charges Associated with Non-Hospital-Based Care,” 79 Fed. Reg. 72160

In 2015, TSGAC voiced strong support for expanding Medicare-Like Rates beyond hospital-based providers and noted …

161 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Request for Tribal Consultation on 340B Drug Pricing Program

Letter requesting that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services …

60 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Request for VA and IHS to Revisit VA-IHS Reimbursement Agreement

Letter regarding the national agreement between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Indian …

28 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Response to DTLL Regarding Section 402 of the IHCIA

Letter to Dr. Yvette Roubideaux, acting director of the Indian Health Service regarding the Dear …

75 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Self-Governance Priorities and Strategic Plan

A  follow up on the letter  sent  on July 7, 2014 (enclosed), with briefing materials …

76 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Tribal Consultation on Medicare-like Rates Regulations and/or Guidance

Letter to Dr. Roubideaux (IHS) requesting that Tribal Nations are involved in the process of …

71 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- Walker River Paiute Tribe v. Director, Phoenix Area Indian Health Service

The Appellant is the Walker River Paiute Tribe (“Walker River”), and the Appellee is the …

6 MBpdfjudicial
2015 – DOI/BIA – Welfare Assistance Funding Distribution Methodolgy

Letter from Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs Kevin Washburn to all BIA regional directors providing …

2 MBpdfinterior federal-agencies
2015 – SGAC – Quarterly Meeting Summary – January

A summary of the quarterly meeting held on January 29, …

68 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2015 – SGAC – Quarterly Meeting Summary – October

A summary of the SGAC quarterly meeting held on October 7, …

423 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2015 – SGAC Meeting Summary – July

Summary of SGAC qtly. mtg. held on July 22, …

286 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2015 – SGAC Quarterly Meeting- March

A summary of the quarterly SGAC meeting held on March 25 and 26 of …

398 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2015 – SGCE – Annual Report

2015 Self-Governance Communication and Education office annual report submitted to the Office of Tribal Self-Governance, …

4 MBpdfsgcetc-board-meetings sgcetc
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on CMS-10561, ECP Data Collection to Support Qualified Health Plan (QHP) Certification for PY 2017

Comments submitted regarding the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) Paperwork Reduction Act Notice …

102 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on IHS Proposed Rule entitled “Payment for Physician and Other Health Care Professional Services Purchased by Indian Health Programs and Medical Charges Associated with Non-Hospital-Based Care.”

Comments submitted regarding the Indian Health Service’s (IHS) Proposed Rule to expand the Medicare-Like Rate …

161 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on RIN 0945-AA02, Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities

Comments on in response to its proposed rule on Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities …

254 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (Choice Act)

Comments on the Secretary of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) pending report to Congress concerning the consolidation …

225 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on Veterans, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014

Comments submitted regarding  the Secretary of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) pending report to Congress concerning the …

225 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Fiscal Year 2014 Report to Congress on the Administration of the Tribal Self-Governance Program

These are comments on the Fiscal Year 2014 Report to Congress on the Administration of …

34 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Interpretation of Duplication Provision in 25 U.S.C. § 450j-1(a)(3)

Letter to to express concern over the Indian Health Service’s recent reinterpretation of the duplication …

220 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Letter – Self-Governance Representative to the Information Systems Advisory Committee

Letter nominating  Councilwoman Jessica Burger of the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians to serve …

171 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Letter -Request for Permanent Administrative Relief from Affordable Care Act’s Employer Mandate on Tribes for Tribal Member Employees

Follow up to the October 23, 2015, letter we requested an extension of transition relief …

307 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Letter to IHS – Quality Reporting Measurers

Letter to provide recommendations regarding quality reporting measures and to request IHS to conduct an …

151 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Qtly. Mtg. – July

Summary of qtly. TSGAC mtg. held on July 21, …

376 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Qtly. Mtg. Summary – January

Summary of the qtly. mtg. held on January 28, …

131 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- DOI Response to SGAC: Tiwahe Initiative

Letter from Kevin Washburn (ASIA) responding to the SGAC letter dated July 1, 2014 concerning …

978 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2015- IHS Response to TSGAC Concerns on the Federal Response to Ebola

IHS response to concerns raised by TSGAC about the Federal response to the Ebola …

1 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2015- Indian Affairs Response to SGAC Concerns Related to Tiwahe Funds

In 2015, the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs responded to SGAC concerns regarding equitable Tiwahe …

978 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2015- Processes of Native Nationhood: The Indigenous Politics of Self-Government

“Over the last three decades, Indigenous peoples in the CANZUS countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, …

501 KBpdfother journal-articles
2015- SGAC Comments: Recommendations to Improve Coordination and Communication with Self-Governance Tribes

Letter delivered to Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs Kevin Washburn following a meeting with the …

173 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2015- SGAC Letter- Recommendations to Improve Coordination and Communication with Self-Governance Tribes

With the legislative improvements underway by movement of S. 286, the “Department of the Interior …

174 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2015- SGAC Letter: Budget Needs of Tribal Courts in PL 280 States

In 2015, SGAC requested a status report regarding the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ progress in developing …

29 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2015- SGAC Letter: Recommendations to Improve Coordination and Communication with Self-Governance Tribes

In 2015, SGAC recommended that Indian Affairs take a number of steps to improve coordination …

173 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2015- SGAC Letter: Report on Budget Needs of Tribal Courts in PL 280 States

29 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2015- SGCETC Letter: Support for Robert McSwain, Acting Director, IHS

256 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2015- SGCETC White Paper: Title VI: Expansion of Self-Governance within HHS

Summary of efforts to expand Title VI within the Department of Health and Human …

, 21 KBpdfinitiatives sgcetc-correspondence self-governance-resources sgcetc
2015- Tribal Self-Governance Annual Report to Congress

This 2015 annual report on Tribal Self-Governance is submitted by the Secretary of the Interior …

, 700 KBpdffederal-studies interior journal-articles federal-agencies
2015- TSGAC Comments: Consultation on Section 102(c) of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014

In order to improve Veterans’ access to care, the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act …

121 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Comments: Section 102(c) of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act

Comments in response to the Dear Tribal Leader letter dated December 30, 2014, regarding Tribal …

121 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: : Support for 100 Percent FMAP Proposal

310 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Comments on CMS-2390-P

Comments submitted regarding CMS’s Proposed Rule to modernize the Medicaid and CHIP managed care regulations, …

1 MBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Comments Regarding Section 102(c) of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014

Letter urging the VA and IHS to recommend in its report to Congress, and the …

121 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Comments Submitted In Response to Notice of Tribal Consultation: Section 102(c) of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014

In 2015, TSGAC submitted comments on the feasibility and advisability of the Indian Health Service …

121 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Comments to CMS on Draft 2016 Letter to Issuers in the Federally-Facilitated Marketplace

TSGAC comments regarding the Draft 2016 Letter to Issuers in the Federally-Facilitated Marketplace (2016 Issuer …

79 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Determination of Contract Support Cost Requirements

83 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Excise Tax on Certain Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits

Letter regarding Section 4980I, a provision that establishes an excise tax on certain employer-sponsored health …

953 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Excise Tax on High Cost Employer Sponsored Health Coverage

423 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Expediting the Review and Publication of the Final Medicare-Like Rate – November

Letter to Secretary Burwell, HHS, requesting assistance from the HHS regarding expediting the review and …

276 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Mandatory Appropriations for Contract Support Costs

In 2015, TSGAC offered IHS the following initial recommendations  to advance the Administration’s proposal for …

74 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Multi-Purpose Agreement and ISAC Presentation

Letter issued on July 27, 2015 to Principal Deputy Director Robert G. McSwain, Indian Health …

150 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Payment of Contract Support Costs for MSPI and DVPI funding

In 2015, TSGAC submitted a letter to IHS to confirm TSGAC’s understanding of IHS/TSGAC discussions …

2 MBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Payment of Settlements to Civil Service Employees

A letter to Principal Deputy Director McSwain regarding the settlement process between the Indian Health …

147 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Request for Extension of Transition Relief from the Employer Mandate

A letter issued as a formal request for an extension of transition relief in the …

1 MBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Request for Permanent Administrative Relief from Affordable Care Act’s Employer Mandate on Tribes for Tribal Member Employees

307 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Request for Permanent Administrative Relief from Affordable Care Act’s Employer Mandate on Tribes for Tribal Member Employees

437 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Response to IRS Notice 2015-16 on Section 4980I — Excise Tax on High Cost Employer Sponsored Health Coverage

A letter drafted in response to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Notice 2015-16 (the Notice), …

498 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Response to May 22, 2015 Dear Tribal Leader Letter Regarding Payment of Employee Settlements

Response delivered regarding the  Dear Tribal Leader Letter (DTLL) of May 22, 2015 describing a …

47 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Response to Request for Tribal Consultation on Referrals for Limited Cost-Sharing Variation Plans

Letter in response to your request for Tribal consultation on the related issue of the …

419 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Thanking the Administration for Swift Actions on CSC

In 2015, the TSGAC thanked the Administration for its role in finding long-term solutions to …

165 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015-TSGAC Meeting Summary- October

193 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – HHS/IHS – Response to Inquiry About Agency-specific Quality Reporting Measures

By letter dated August 4, 2015, the TSGAC requested that the IHS conduct a comparative …

472 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – Legislative Strategy Session – September

Legislative Notes from a strategy session held September …

342 KBpdf
2016 – SGAC – Comments on the Implementation of the Indian Trust Asset Reform Act

Public Law 114-178 clearly affirms that ITARA does not replace the rights Tribes have to …

356 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2016 – SGAC – Comments on the Proposed Revisions to the Department of Interior’s (DOI) Strategic Plan for FY2018-2022

Comments submitted in response to the Dear Tribal Leader Letter dated July 15, 2016 requesting …

284 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2016 – SGAC – Comments on the Proposed Revisions to the Department of Interior’s Strategic Plan for FY2018-2022

Comments submitted  in response to the Dear Tribal Leader Letter dated July 15, 2016 requesting …

284 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2016 – SGAC – Contract Support Costs Policy

Letter to Acting Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs regarding the Contract Support Cost (CSC) …

44 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2016 – SGAC – Qtly. Mtg. Agenda – January

Agenda for the SGAC qtly. mtg. held in Washington D.C. on January 26 & 27, …

93 KBdocadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2016 – SGAC – Qtly. Mtg. Summary – March

Summary of the SGAC qtly. mtg. held on March 29, …

86 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2016 – SGAC – Qtly. Mtg. Summary – October

Summary of the qtly. SGAC mtg. held on October 25 and …

190 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2016 – SGAC – Quarterly Meeting – Draft Agenda

A draft agenda for the DOI Self-Governance Advisory Committee and Technical Workgroup Quarterly Meeting held …

41 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2016 – SGAC – Quarterly Meeting – July

Agenda for the DOI SGAC quarterly meeting held on July 19 and 20, …

174 KBdocadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2016 – SGAC – Support and Proposed Recommendations – BIA Contract Support Costs Proposed Policy

Document expressing support for the proposed amendments to the Department of the Interior – Bureau …

36 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Proposed Rule; Health and Human Services Grant Regulation: Published on July 13, 2016 (81 Federal Register 45270, et seq.)

Comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, RIN 0991-AC06, published at 81 Federal Register 45270 …

228 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Bemidji IHS Area Member Vacancy

Letter seeking a volunteer form the Bemidji IHS Area to serve on the IHS TSGAC …

120 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – CHEF Proposed Rule 42 CFR Part 136 – RIN 0905AC97, Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund, File Code 0905AC97

A letter requesting to  pull CHEF Proposed Rule 42 CFR Part 136 – RIN 0905AC97, …

11 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund Proposed Rule (RIN 0905-AC97)

Comments submitted on the Catastrophic Health Emergency Funding (CHEF) proposed rule. This proposed rule would …

434 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on CMS-10458 (OCN: 0938-1203)

Comments submitted regarding n the Paperwork Reduction Act notice for CMS-10458, “Consumer Research Supporting Outreach …

282 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on FY 2015 Report to Congress on Administration of the Tribal Self-Governance Program

Comments submitted on behalf of the TSGAC regarding the Fiscal Year 2015 Report to Congress …

108 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2018 (CMS-9934-P)

Comments submitted  on the proposed rule published in the Federal Register on September 6, 2016, …

325 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on IHS Contract Support Costs Policy

Comments  on the agency’s proposed revisions to Chapter 6-3 of the Indian Health Service (IHS) …

472 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Oklahoma Section 1115 Waiver Amendment Request

On March 4, 2016, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority formally submitted to the federal Centers …

239 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Payment for Physician and Other Health Care Professional Services Purchased by Indian Health Programs and Medical Charges Associated with Non-Hospital-Based Care

Comment submitted on behalf of TSGAC regarding “Payment for Physician and Other Health Care Professional …

533 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Purchasing Health Care Coverage (IHS Circular 2016-08)

Comments submitted on behalf of TSGAC regarding IHS Circular 2016-08, Purchasing Health Care Coverage (Draft …

324 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on SASP Program Funding Distribution

Comments submitted in response to the Dear Tribal Leader Letter dated April 1, 2016, request …

76 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Identification of Staff for Developing Level of Need Funded Data

The TSGAC previously commented to you in a letter dated September 27, 2016 (enclosed), that …

455 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Letter – Comments on Headquarters Realignment

Letter in response to Dear Tribal Leader Letter dated October 5, 2016, requesting Tribal Consultation …

182 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Letter – Comments on Purchasing Health Care Coverage (IHS Circular 2016-08)

These comments were submitted on behalf of the TSGAC on IHS Circular 2016-08, Purchasing Health …

254 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Letter – Support for USET Comments on the CDC Proposed 2016 Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain; Docket CDC-2015-0112

Letter supporting comments provided by the United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) on the proposed …

393 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Letter to Steve Petzinger, OMB Program Examiner – Follow up from March TSGAC Mtg.

Letter sent to Mt. Petzinger following up on issues discussed during the TSGAC quarterly meeting …

126 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Opportunities for Partnerships between Tribal Health Programs and the Veterans Administration

Letter to Dr. Baligh Yehia, MD, Assistant Deputy Undersecretary for Health Community Care following up …

120 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Opportunities for Partnerships between Tribal Health Programs and the Veterans Administration

Letter to Dr. Baligh Yehia, MD, Veterans Health Administration (VA) following up on the discussion …

120 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Reimbursement Agreement between the IHS and VA

The reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) in 2010 contained a new …

115 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Request for Service Unit Data on Health Insurance Status and 2016 Appropriation

A letter requesting access to two sets of data: Health insurance status of Active Users, …

248 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 SGAC/TSGAC Letter: Request for Support for Legislation to Provide Partial Relief to Tribes from the Affordable Care Act’s Employer Mandate

In 2016, SGAC and TSGAC signed a letter with several other Tribal organizations requesting the …

67 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac tsgac
2016 SGCETC Letter: Support of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Efforts to Stop DAPL

In 2016, SGCETC sent a letter of support to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s efforts …

247 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2016 SGCETC Letter: Testimony on the HEALTH Act

In 2016, SGCETC submitted testimony to the United States House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on …

288 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2016 TSGAC – Letter – CMS–10519, Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

Comments submitted on CMS’s intention to collect information regarding Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) and …

370 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac

“This Agreement, denoted a Compact of Self-Governance (hereinafter referred to as the “Compact”), is entered …

5 MBpdfimplementation self-governance-resourcesdoi
2016- CRS Report: An Overview of Indian Health Service

Summary: “The IHS provides an array of medical services, including inpatient, ambulatory, emergency, dental, public …

, 3 MBpdffederal-studies health-and-human-services journal-articles federal-agencies
2016- HHS Response to TSGAC Request for Agency Data

Letter responding to TSGAC request for the following data sets: 1) health insurance status of …

516 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2016- Issue 1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

256 KBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
2016- Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

In this issue: Global Health Care Indigenuity Self-Governance – Changing Alaska Trust Modernization- Materializing Self-Governance …

1 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
2016- Issue 3 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

In this issue: Annual 2016 Tribal Strategy Session Summary Internal Tribal Audit A Journey Towards …

1 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
2016- Issue 4 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

In this issue: Self-Governance in 2016 DOT Self-Governance Negotiated Rulemaking …

2 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
2016- Seneca Nation of Indians v. Nashville Area Chief Contracting Officer, Indian Health Service

The Seneca Nation of Indians (“Seneca” or “Nation”) has appealed an October 31, 2011, decision …

2 MBpdfjudicial
2016- SGAC Letter: Contract Support Costs Policy

303 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2016- SGAC Meeting Materials (January)

7 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2016- SGAC Meeting Summary- July

202 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2016- SGAC Quarterly Meeting Summary – October

Meeting summary of the quarterly DOI Self-Governance Advisory Committee Quarterly Meeting held on October 25 …

423 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2016- SGCETC Letter: SCIA Mark-up of S. 2920, Tribal Law and Order Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2016

121 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2016- SGCETC Testimony- Addressing Indian Country’s Critical Concerns Regarding Indian Health Service

Testimony submitted to SCIA on behalf of SGCETC for the Listening Session on Putting Patients …

67 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2016- TSGAC Comments: Proposed Rule; HHS Grant Regulation: Published on July 13, 2016 (81 Federal Register 45270, et seq.)

The Indian Health Service Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (IHS-TSGAC) submits these comments on the Notice …

228 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016- TSGAC Letter: Comments on CMS-9936-N; Waivers for State Innovation

600 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016- TSGAC Letter: Comments on Draft 2016 Letter to Issuers in the Federally-Facilitated Marketplace

Letter issued to the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) in response to …

79 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016- TSGAC Letter: Comments on Veteran Affairs’ Proposal to Consolidate Community Care Programs

Comments on Veteran Affairs’ Proposal to Consolidate Community Care …

73 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016- TSGAC Meeting Summary- July

135 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2016- TSGAC Meeting Summary- March

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2016- User Population Insurance Eligibility – Summary

Summary by Service Unit, Area, and All – information provided to TSGAC from …

915 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac

10 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016-SGAC Meeting Summary- July

202 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2016-SGAC Meeting Summary- March

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2017 – SGAC – Quarterly Meeting Agenda – January

Agenda for the DOI Self-Governance Advisory Committee held on January 25, …

41 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2017 – SGAC – Draft Qtly. Mtg. Agenda – January

Draft agenda for the SGAC qtly. mtg. held in Washington, D.C. on January 25 and …

97 KBdocadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2017 – SGAC – January – Quarterly Meeting – Draft Agenda

A draft agenda for the DOI Self-Governance Advisory Committee and Technical Workgroup Quarterly Meeting held …

313 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2017 – SGAC – Qtly. Mtg. Draft Agenda – January – PDF

326 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2017 – SGAC – Quarterly Meeting Minutes – October

Meeting minutes for the DOI Self-Governance Advisory Committee and Technical Workgroup Quarterly Meeting held on …

182 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2017 – SGCETC – Self-Governance Priorities for President-elect Trump’s Transition Plan

A letter to Representative Markwayne Mullin, chair of the Native American Coalition outlining priorities for …

431 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2017 – TSGAC – Support for Broad Exemption of IHS from Federal Hiring Freeze

Letter requesting an exemption from the hiring freeze for certain staff and contracted positions at …

258 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017 SGCETC Letter: Comments on S.304, the Tribal Veterans Health Care Enhancement Act

Senator Thune introduced S. 304, which amends the IHCIA to require IHS to cover the …

183 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2017 SGCETC Letter: Testimony Submitted in Response to Oversight Hearing on “Identifying Indian Affairs Priorities for the Trump Administration”

In 2017, SGCETC submitted testimony to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs identifying the following …

104 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2017 TSGAC Letter: Medicaid Work Requirements for American Indians and Alaska Natives

In 2017, TSGAC submitted a letter to CMS expressing concerns with Medicaid work …

185 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- (January) SGAC Meeting Summary

415 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2017- (March) SGAC Meeting Summary

Summary of the March 2017 DOI SGAC …

452 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2017- (March) TSGAC Meeting Summary

Summary of the TSGAC March 2017 …

482 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2017- Beyond a Zero-Sum Federal Trust Responsibility: Lessons from Federal Indian Energy Policy

“The federal government’s trust relationship with federally recognized Indian tribes is a product of the …

598 KBpdfother journal-articles
2017- IHS Response to the March 2017 TSGAC Meeting

Indian Health Service provided a response to the March 2017 TSGAC …

2 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2017- Issue 1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

In this issue: Pouring the Water- Tribal Health Care & Electronic Health Records TIWAHE Initiative …

1 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
2017- Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

In this issue: California’s Number 1 – Innovating Health Care & Native Youth Programs Reaching …

4 MBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc

“Having obtained a preliminary injunction that prevents the Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIA”) from awarding …

396 KBpdfjudicial
2017- SGAC Comments: DOI’s Implementation of Executive Order 13871 “Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch”

Comments delivered to the DOI regarding the DOI’s plan to reorganize under Executive Order (EO) …

377 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2017- SGAC Letter: Comments On Indian Trader Regulations

SGAC recommendations in response to the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on the Traders …

386 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2017- SGAC Letter: Comments on the Department of the Interior’s Implementation of Executive Order 13871 “Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch”

In 2017, SGAC provided the Department of the Interior comments on its plan to reorganize …

377 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2017- SGAC Letter: Indian Country Involvement in DOI Re-Organization – (Implementation of Executive Order 13781)

SGAC requests an update on the status of DOI’s implementation of Executive Order 13781, “Comprehensive …

43 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2017- SGAC Meeting Summary- January

137 KBdocadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2017- SGCETC Letter- Hearing on FAST Act Implementation: State and Local Perspectives

433 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2017- SGCETC Letter: Appoint a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tribal Government Affairs, in the Office of the Secretary

In 2017, SGCETC requested that requesting that Transportation Secretary Chao fill the position of Deputy …

59 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2017- SGCETC Letter: Testimony on H.R. 2662 “Restoring Accountability in the Indian Health Service Act of 2017”

In 2017, SGCETC submitted testimony to the House Committee on Natural Resources regarding H.R. 2662 …

60 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2017- SGCETC Letter: Testimony to House Approps on 2018 BIA and IHS Budgets

In 2017, SGCETC submitted testimony to the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment …

374 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2017- SGCETC Testimony- Native Youth: Promoting Diabetes Prevention Through Healthy Living

502 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2017- SGCETC Testimony- S. 1250 “Restoring Accountability in the Indian Health Service Act of 2017”

Testimony provided by SGCETC regarding  Senate Bill 1250 (S. 1250), Restoring Accountability in the Indian …

59 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2017- TSGAC Comments: Market Stabilization Proposed Rule (CMS-9929-P)

Comments submitted on the proposed rule published in the Federal Register on February 17, 2017, …

413 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Recommendations for the IHS Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programs

In 2017, TSGAC provided recommendations to IHS regarding its Scholarship and Loan Repayment …

172 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Request for Tribal Consultation on HHS Reimagining Initiative

Excerpt: “TSGAC believes that any efforts to reorganize, streamline, or create efficiencies require Tribal Consultation …

238 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Request to Delay Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund Final Rule

Excerpt: “On October 31, 2016, the TSGAC recommended that any Final Rule only include provisions …

481 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Support for Broad Exemption of IHS from Federal Hiring Freeze

257 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Update to Level of Need Funded Data and Workgroup Request

TSGAC request for the IHS to: 1. Share a copy of the Congressional report on …

528 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018 – DOT – Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Negotiated Rulemaking Process

Letter to Deputy Assistant Secretary Bedell, Department of Transportation regarding the tribal transportation self-governance negotiated …

173 KBpdftransportation federal-agencies
2018 – Office of Self-Governance Update – January

Presentation provided by the Office of Self-Governance highlighting program progress, staff changes/additions, and funding …

976 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2018 – OIG Evaluation – Indian Affairs Offices’ Poor Recordkeeping and Coordination Threaten Impact of Tiwahe Inititative

This evaluation focuses on the Office of Indian Services and the Office of Self Governance, …

2 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articlesdoi
2018 – SGAC – Advisory Committee Nomination Letter – Ysleta del Sur Pueblo

Letter from Ysleta del Sur Pueblo nominating Governor Carlos Hisa to represent the Southwest Region …

203 KBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-committeessgac
2018 – SGAC – Quarterly Meeting – Draft Agenda

A draft agenda for the DOI Self-Governance Advisory Committee and Technical Workgroup Quarterly meeting held …

312 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2018- (July) Update from the DOI Office of Self-Governance

Update from the DOI Office of Self-Governance provided to SGAC on July 16, …

3 MBpptadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2018- BIA Report: Report to the Congress on Law Enforcement Needs of Terminated and Restored Tribes

BIA report prepared in response to Public Law …

3 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
2018- IHS Response to the Oct 2018 TSGAC Meeting

Indian Health Service’s response to requests and recommendations discussed during the March 2019 TSGAC …

508 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac

“Reclaiming Native Truth is a national effort to achieve equity, inclusion and policy changes that …

6 MBpdfother journal-articles

“Today’s hearing commemorates the 30th anniversary of the enactment of one of the most successful …

, 3 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
2018- SGAC Letter: Assuring Tribally-Controlled Schools Access to the Interagency Motor Pool

SGAC requests that the Bureau of Indian Education initiate changes that will ensure Tribally-Controlled Schools …

104 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Letter: Cobell Settlement Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations

SGAC finds the Department of the Interior’s decision to change the Land Buy-Back Program at …

27 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Letter: Comments Responding to DOI Letters dated July 2, 2018 regarding the Alaska IRA and Land-into-Trust in Alaska

In 2018, SGAC provided comments to the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs in response to …

99 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2018- SGAC Letter: Elimination of Data Gathering for Unfunded Obligations

SGAC finds the Department of the Interior’s decision to halt data collection efforts intended to …

80 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Letter: Land-into-Trust in Alaska

SGAC comments in response to DOI’s July 2, 2018 “Dear Tribal Leader Letters” regarding the …

98 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Letter: Opposition to BIA Reorganization

SGAC opposes the decision by the Department of the Interior to implement unilateral changes to …

142 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Letter: OSG Workforce Planning Strategies

SGAC request for Indian Affairs to make workforce planning strategies—such as succession planning, workforce right-sizing, …

140 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Letter: Re-Confirming the SGAC Technical Workgroup Members

103 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Letter: Reinstate the Strategic Planning Subcommittee

SGAC strongly objects to the Department of the Interior’s Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-2022 …

139 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Letter: School Violence and Safety Measures for Native Children

SGAC requests that Tribal Nations be included in the discussions about a plan to address …

123 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Meeting Materials (January)

6 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Meeting Presentation- OSG Update- March

757 KBpptadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGAC Meeting Summary- March

173 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2018- SGCETC Letter: GAO-18-652, “Indian Health Service: Considerations Related to Providing Advance Appropriation Authority”

In 2018, SGCETC and several other Tribal organizations provided the U.S. Government Accountability Office with …

204 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2018- The Midnight Rider: The EPA and Tribal Self-Determination

“This article analyzes the EPA’s relationship with Native Americans, which has been neglected by historians. …

145 KBpdfother journal-articles
2018- The Quapaw Tribe, the EPA, and Tribal Self-Determination, 1980-2010

“When dealing with tribes, the EPA ultimately decides how to apply the Clean Water Act …

6 MBpdfother journal-articles
2018- TSGAC Issue Area Summary – Reimbursement for Purchased and Referred Care (PRC)

Excerpt: “Recommendation: THPs, in particular, work hard to provide a seamless health care experience. Lack …

194 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 105(l) Leasing Expenditures and Estimates

“TSGAC respectfully requests that IHS provides a full accounting of the reprogrammed and appropriated funds …

75 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Inclusion of Purchased and Referred Care (PRC) in Veterans Affairs and Indian Health Service Reimbursement Agreements

Excerpt: “The VA-IHS Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) does not currently provide for reimbursement of PRC …

167 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Inclusion of Purchased and Referred Care (PRC) in Veterans Affairs and Indian Health Service Reimbursement Agreements

“The TSGAC urges the VA to establish a formally sanctioned workgroup or Tribal Advisory Committee …

167 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Opportunities to Enhance HHS’ Tribal Consultation Policy

In 2018, TSGAC provided comments to HHS on opportunities to enhance its Tribal Consultation …

236 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 105(l) Leasing Expenditures and Estimates

Excerpt: “TSGAC respectfully requests that IHS provides a full accounting of the reprogrammed and appropriated …

75 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Requesting Hearing on Advance Appropriations for the Indian Health Service

In 2018, TSGAC, in coordination with NIHB, requested a hearing in the Appropriations Committee on …

261 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Section 105(l) Lease Funding “Dilemma”

381 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Summary Letter from October 2018 Meeting

TSGAC submitted a summary letter to IHS identifying requests and recommendations offered during the October …

169 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Updates to Indian Health Service Tribal Consultation Policy

In 2018, TSGAC and the DSTAC recommended the formation of a joint Federal/Tribal Workgroup consisting …

212 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC White Paper: Reimbursement for Purchased and Referred Care (PRC)

189 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- USCCR Report- Broken Promises: Continuing Federal Funding Shortfall for Native Americans

4 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
2019 – OSG Update – July

PowerPoint presented during the SGAC qtly. mtg. in July of …

1 MBpptadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2019 – SGAC – Mtg. Agenda – July

Draft agenda for the SGAC quarterly meeting held on July 17 and 18, 2019 in …

93 KBdocadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2019 – SGAC – Quarterly Mtg. Summary – October

Summary of the gtly. mtg. held in October of …

49 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2019 SGAC Nomination – Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo

Nomination of Governor E. Michael …

41 KBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-committeessgac
2019- (July) IHS Reponse Letter to TSGAC Meeting

230 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- (July) TSGAC Meeting Summary

63 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2019- (September) OTSG Update

660 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2019- Bureau of Reclamation’s Response to SGCETC – Handbook Recommendations

Bureau of Reclamation’s response to SGCETC on recommendations to improve its Best Practices Handbook for …

, 841 KBpdfinterior sgcetc-correspondence federal-agencies sgcetc
2019- CRS: 2018 Farm Bill Primer: Support for Indian Tribes

“The enacted farm bill provides authority, pursuant to P.L. 93-638 (ISDEAA), for a federally recognized …

469 KBpdffederal-studies journal-articles

“The IHS hospitals we reviewed did not always follow the Indian Health Manual when prescribing …

2 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
2019- IG Report: Organizational Challenges to Improving Quality of Care in Indian Health Service Hospitals

OIG identified underlying issues that are hindering the Indian Health Service (IHS) from improving its …

1 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
2019- IHS Office of Tribal Self-Governance Update during the April 2019 TSGAC Meeting

2 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2019- IHS Response to Issues Discussed at the April 2019 TSGAC Meeting

IHS responded to issues discussed at the April 2019 TSGAC …

4 MBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- IHS Response to the Oct 2019 TSGAC Meeting

216 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- Incomplete Sovereigns: Unpacking Patterns of Indigenous Self-Governance in the United States and Canada

In the early 1970s, both the Canadian and United States federal governments introduced modern land …

, 2 MBpdfother journal-articles
2019- Incomplete Sovereigns: Unpacking Patterns of Indigenous Self-Governance in the United States and Canada

ABSTRACT In the early 1970s, both the Canadian and United States federal governments introduced modern …

2 MBpdfother journal-articles
2019- Indian Health Service Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Report to Congress on Contract Funding of Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Awards

“This report, consisting of the following narrative and the attached tables with fiscal year (FY) …

, 7 MBpdffederal-studies health-and-human-services journal-articles federal-agencies
2019- January – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

January 2019 Sovereign Nations …

286 KBpdfsovereign-nations-newsletters sgcetc
2019- July TSGAC Talking Points

24 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2019- MOU between OSG and AVSO

776 KBpdfinterior federal-agencies
2019- MOU Between OSG and Indian Services

403 KBpdfinterior federal-agencies
2019- Practical Reforms and Other Goals To Reinforce the Effectiveness of Self-Governance and Self-Determination for Indian Tribes Act

296 KBpdflaws-regulations
2019- Presentation: IHS Section 105(l) Lease Proposals

, 1,020 KBpdfhealth-and-human-services planning federal-agencies self-governance-resourcesihs
2019- Proxy for Linda Austin, Ysleta del Sur Pueblo

59 KBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Comments: Department of the Interior Self-Governance Advisory Committee Comments Regarding Proposed DOT Self-Governance Program Regulations

On behalf of the Department of the Interior Self-Governance Advisory Committee (SGAC), we write to …

98 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Letter: Comments On Community Reinvestment Act Modernization

SGAC comments to IRS on the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s Advanced Notice …

79 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Letter: Enhance Coordination and Communication Within Indian Affairs

SGAC request that Indian Affairs implement organizational reform that results in increased communication and collaboration …

83 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Letter: Equal Treatment for Tribal Governments in GSA Programs

SGAC effort to reaffirm the ability of Tribal Nations and Tribal Organizations to establish and …

79 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Letter: Establish a DOI STAC

SGAC urged Interior to develop a Secretarial level Tribal Advisory Committee that will provide a …

52 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Letter: Support for the IPAAA

SGAC requested that DOI support legislation the provides advance appropriations authority for the …

71 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Meeting Presentation- October

1 MBpptadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Meeting Presentation: OSG Update- July

1 MBpptadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Meeting Presentation: OSG Update- October

1 MBpptadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Meeting Summary- April

240 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Nomination of Jacklyn King, Sac and Fox Nation

846 KBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-committeessgac
2019- SGAC Summary of the April 2019 Meeting

Summary of the April 2019 SGAC …

187 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac

Excerpt: “The proposed Equal Access to Medicaid for All American Indians and Alaska Natives Act …

204 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2019- SGCETC Letter: Comments on the Best Practices Handbook for Implementation of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (P.L. 93-638)

In 2019, SGCETC provided comments to the Bureau of Reclamation in its Draft Best Practices …

332 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2019- SGCETC Letter: National Native Organizations Unite and Urge the President and Congress to Re-Open the Government

In 2019, National Native Organizations, including SGCETC, sent a letter urging the President and Congress …

528 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2019- TSGAC Agenda- July

46 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Agenda- September

40 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Comments and Recommendations for Funding Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act 105(l) Leases

TSGAC expressed concern to IHS regarding its practice of reprogramming funds from other IHS accounts …

109 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Comments on MISSION Act Strategic Plan

In 2019, TSGAC offered comments to the VA on its Strategic …

113 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Comments on Tribal Engagement with the NIH All of Us Research Program

TSGAC outlined a number of concerns, including: Lack of respect for Tribal data sovereignty. Data …

161 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Re-Review of Summary of Benefits and Coverage Documents

In 2019, TSGAC recommended that the CMS Tribal Technical Advisory Group urge CMS to consider …

359 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Recommendation to include Section 105(l) lease information request in FAAB’s Facilities Needs Assessment

99 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Special Diabetes Program for Indians Tribal Consultation

27 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Summary of Issues from the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) Meeting July 15-16, 2019

100 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Summary of Issues from the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) Meeting September 30-October 1, 2019

62 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Meeting Presentation- OTSG Update- June

643 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Nomination Letter for Victoria Kitcheyan

57 KBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Nomination of Charmel Gillin, CSKT

312 KBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Testimony: U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Health Hearing “Native Veterans’ Access to Healthcare”

41 KBdocxadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2020 – GSA/DOI – MOA Between GSA and DOI

This MOA between the GSA, Office of Fleet Management (GSA Fleet) and Indian Affairs within …

3 MBpdfinterior federal-agencies
2020 – IHS – Response Letter to Key Issues and Action Items

Letter from Elizabeth Fowler responding to a TSGAC letter sent on October 15, 2020, which …

4 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2020 – Inter Org Letter on COVID Relief

465 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020 – SGAC – GSA Response Letter

Response to letter dated August 19, 2020 regarding  concerns about U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) …

227 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020 – SGAC – Letter – Re: Extension of the Tribal Priority Filing Window for the 2.5GHz Band over Tribal Lands…

Letter in support of the Congressional Native American Caucus and the National Congress of American …

158 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020 – SGAC – Negotiated Rulemaking Committee – P.L. 116-180, PROGRESS for Indian Tribes Act

Letter to Secretary Interior David Bernhardt regarding the PROGRESS for Indian Tribes Act and the …

114 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020 – SGAC – Office of Self-Governance Update – September

Office of Self-Governance update provided to SGAC during the quarterly meeting held in September of …

379 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2020 – SGAC Nomination of Scott Sullivan to Technical Workgroup

221 KBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-committeessgac
2020 – TSGAC – Annual Conference – Packet – January

Meeting packet for the 2020 Tribal Self-Governance Consultation Conference to be held on April 26 …

3 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2020- (January) OTSG Update

651 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2020- (January) SGAC Meeting Packet

2 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2020- (July) SGAC Meeting Summary

26 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2020- (July) TSGAC Meeting Summary

40 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2020- (Sept) SGAC Meeting Summary

42 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2020- (Sept.) TSGAC Meeting Summary

36 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2020- DOI Listening Session on Section 105(l) Transcript

63 KBpdfinterior federal-agencies
2020- DOI National Policy Memo: Lease of Facilities under the Authority of the Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act, 25 U.S.C. § 5324(l)

, 533 KBpdfinterior planning federal-agencies self-governance-resources
2020- DOI Response to SGAC Letter on Reallocation of CARES Act Funds

182 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- PL116-180- Practical Reforms and Other Goals To Reinforce the Effectiveness of Self- Governance and Self-Determination for Indian Tribes Act of 2019

PROGRESS for Indian Tribes Act – 2020 Resolves inconsistencies between Title IV and Title V, …

303 KBpdflaws-regulations
2020- Regulations for the DOT Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program

” The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT or Department) is issuing this final rule to …

371 KBpdftransportation federal-agencies
2020- SGAC Agenda (January)

164 KBpdf
2020- SGAC Letter: Follow-up Items from the Department of the Interior Self-Governance Advisory Committee (DOI-SGAC) July 14, 2020 Virtual Meeting

115 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: Oppose Including AVSO Memorandum of Understanding in Self-Governance Funding Agreements

“I write to urge you to direct your staff to discontinue the practice of (1) …

119 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: : Tribal Governments Access to GSA Fleet Surplus and Property Transfer Program

144 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: Advance an Office of Justice Services’ Budget Inclusive of Current Changes

SGAC urged OJS to advance a budget request to the Department of the Interior’s Office …

142 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: CARES Act Tribal Allocation Must Include CSC

SGAC expects to receive full payment of CSC for the CARES Act allocation to Tribal …

106 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: Contrary DOI Administrative Restrictions Applied to CARES Act Funding

SGAC request that the Department of the Interior honors the statutory right of Tribal Nations …

75 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: Contrary DOI Administrative Restrictions Applied to CARES Act Funding for Self-Governance Tribe

“On April 13, 2020, DOI issued a “Dear Tribal Leader Letter” (DTLL) to announce that …

77 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: Follow-up Items from July 2020 SGAC Meeting

SGAC summarized the issues discussed during the SGAC Quarterly Virtual Meeting held on Tuesday, July …

113 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: Phase I Recommendations on BIA Program Formulas

SGAC provided formal recommendations on key formulas and programs under Title IV of the Indian …

118 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: Suggestions for Negotiated Rulemaking for the PROGRESS Act

SGAC shared concerns about the Department’s efforts to initiate procedures to form a Negotiated Rulemaking …

111 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Letter: Tribal Government Access to GSA Fleet Surplus and Property Transfer Program

SGAC expressed concerns about the implementation of the General Services Administration (GSA) policy for property …

139 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Meeting Packet- January

2 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Meeting Presentation- OSG Update

766 KBpptadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Meeting Presentation- OSG Update- January

782 KBpptadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGAC Meeting Summary- January

271 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2020- SGCETC Comments: Assessing COVID-19 and the Broken Promises to Native Americans

283 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020- SGCETC Letter to USCCR: Report on Impacts of COVID-19 to Tribal Nations

Letter delivered to Catherine E. Lhamon, chairperson of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights requesting …

126 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020- SGCETC Letter: Assessing COVID-19 and the Broken Promises to Native Americans

266 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020- SGCETC Letter: COVID-19 Vaccination Planning for Indian Country

“Given the lessons learned from the H1N1 pandemic, we urge HHS to: (1) prioritize Indian …

223 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020- SGCETC Letter: Support for HR 6237, the Proper and Reimbursed Care (PRC) for Native Veterans Act

SGCETC letter expressing support for support for H.R. 6237, the Proper and Reimbursed Care (PRC) …

123 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020- SGCETC Letter: Support for HR 6237, the Proper and Reimbursed Care (PRC) for Native Veterans Act

Letter expressing support for H.R. 6237, the Proper and Reimbursed Care (PRC) for Native Veterans …

123 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020- SGCETC Letter: Support for S. 4898, Extend Deadline to Use Coronavirus Relief Funds

Letter requesting request  support for S. 4898 and extend the December 30, 2020 deadline for …

174 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020- SGCETC Letter: Vaccine Distribution Priorities

In 2020, SGCETC submitted comments to IHS regarding priorities for distributing the COVID-19 vaccine. Excerpt: …

223 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020- SGCETC Testimony: ACF Priorities

225 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2020- TSGAC Agenda- January

57 KBdocadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2020- TSGAC Letter: Allocation of $95 Million for Telehealth (CARES Act)

Letter regarding IHS’s decision to utilize the $95 million from the CARES Act set-aside to …

72 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2020- TSGAC Meeting Presentation- OTSG Update- September

752 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2020- TSGAC Meeting Presentation: OTSG Update- September

752 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2020: SGAC Letter: Urge Extension of the Tribal Priority Filing Window for the 2.5GHz Band over Tribal Lands and Start of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (auction) by 180 Days

SGAC urged the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to extend the “Tribal Priority Filing Window for …

advisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2021 – Bridges to a New Era: A Report on the Past, Present, and Potential Future of Tribal Co-Management on Federal Public Lands

INTRODUCTION Fifty years ago, the United States took important but divergent steps to fundamentally reshape …

1 MBpdfother journal-articles
2021 – DOI – Detailed Plan for Improving Interior’s Implementation of E.O. 13175

This detailed plan is therefore Interior’s plan for beginning a new chapter in Tribal consultation …

234 KBpdfinterior federal-agencies
2021 – DOI Office of Self-Governance Update – February

Office of Self-Governance updated provided during the SGAC quarterly meeting held in February 0f …

372 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2021 – DRAFT 43 CFR PART 10 – NAGPRA Regulations

DRAFT – Updates to NAGPRA Regulations For discussion during Tribal consultation …

434 KBpdfdtll federal-agenciesdoi
2021 – Summary of Issues from the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) Meeting November 9, 2021

85 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021 – TSGAC – IHS Budget Update

IHS budget update presented to the TSGAC at the meeting held on February 17, …

601 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2021 – TSGAC – Virtual Meeting Agenda – February

The agenda for the Indian Health Service Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee and Technical Workgroup Virtual …

111 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2021 – TSGAC Comments – Tribal Consultation on the Draft HHS Strategic Plan FY 2022 – 2026

234 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- (Feb) OSG Update

365 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2021- CSKT’s History of Efforts to Re-Acquire the National Bison Range

664 KBpdftribal-nations-experiencedoi
2021- DOI Response to SGAC: AVSO Memorandum of Understanding in Self-Governance Funding Agreements

194 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2021- DTLL – Department of Justice – Consultation on Tribal Set-Aside from the Crime Victims Fund

The U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office for Victims of Crime …

148 KBpdfdtll federal-agencies

221 KBpdfdtll federal-agencies
2021- DTLL: Proposed updates to NAGPRA Regulations

The Department of the Interior (Department) is planning to propose updates to its Native American …

357 KBpdfdtll federal-agenciesdoi
2021- List of Programs Eligible for Inclusion in Funding Agreements Negotiated With Self-Governance Tribes by Interior Bureaus Other Than the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Fiscal Year 2021 Programmatic Targets

Federal Register Notice: List of Programs Eligible for Inclusion in Funding Agreements Negotiated With Self-Governance …

, 223 KBpdfeligibility interior self-governance-resources federal-agencies
2021- SGAC Agenda- February

208 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2021- SGAC Agenda- February

208 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2021- SGAC Agenda- February

208 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
2021- SGAC Letter: Comments on the NTIA Tribal Broadband Grant Program

SGAC submitted comments in response to questions posed during the February 2021 National Telecommunications and …

77 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2021- SGAC Letter: Follow-up from the September 2020 Meeting

SGAC highlighted several issues and recommendations raised by Tribal leadership during the September 2020 virtual …

144 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2021- SGCETC Letter: Support for the RESPECT Act

208 KBpdfsgcetc-correspondence sgcetc
2021- Summary of Tribal Input on 2011 Draft NAGPRA Updates and Responses

On March 25, 2011, the Department of the Interior conducted a telephonic, government-to-government tribal consultation …

134 KBpdfdtll federal-agenciesdoi
2021- TSGAC Comments on the VA-IHS MOU

Feb. 26, 2021 – TSGAC comments on the draft revised Memorandum of Understanding between the …

121 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: 2020 Draft Revised VA-IHS MOU

TSGAC reviewed the draft revised MOU and offers recommendations, including: The addition of workforce development …

121 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: Establishment of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Tribal Advisory Committee

To fulfill the VA Tribal Consultation Policy, Executive Order 13175, and the Presidential Memorandum on …

121 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: Funds Authorized in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

“In response to IHS’ request for input on the factors it should consider in developing …

188 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: Health Information Technology Modernization Summit Request

20 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: Nomination to the IHS Tribal Consultation Policy Workgroup

67 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Meeting Presentation- OTSG Update

6 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Meeting Presentation: OTSG Update- February

6 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2021- Update on the IHS HIT Modernization Project

1 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac

“The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act does not require Indian Health Service to pay …

132 KBpdfjudicial
2021-SGAC Letter: Program Formula Matrix Workgroup- Updated Report- Phase II Recommendations-pdf

SGAC provided formal recommendations on key formulas and programs under Title IV of the Indian …

141 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac
2024 TSG Conference – Agenda-at-a-Glance

159 KBpdf
2a. Nashville Area Nominations

236 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2b. Chippewa Cree Tribe – Nomination Letter

554 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3. 2020 Self-Governance Minimum Data Collection Form (Source: OSG)

OSG requests forms by Friday, August 13, 2021. Email to: …

211 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
3. Alaska Area Nominations – August 2023

97 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3. GAO Review – DOI Workforce Planning

4 MBpptadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
3. Nomination – CSKT

804 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3. Nomination – Ysleta del Sur Pueblo

143 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3. Sac and Fox Nation – TSGAC Nomination

Nomination to TSGAC from Sac and Fox …

495 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3. SGAC Meeting Summary – August 2022

18 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
3. TSGAC Meeting Summary – August 2022

167 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3a. Nomination – Ak-Chin Indian Community

768 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
3a. Nomination – Alaska (March 2023)

97 KBpdftsgac
3a. Oneida Nation Nomination Letter (2021)

, 7 MBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3b. Chippewa Cree Nomination (2021)

, 196 KBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3b. Nomination – Ak-Chin Indian Community (March 2023)

769 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3b. Nomination – Taos Pueblo

138 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
3c. Lummi Nation Nomination (2021)

, 58 KBpdfadvisory-membership advisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3c. Nomination – GPTLHB – March 23

339 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3c. Nomination – Red Lake Nation

338 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
3d. Alaska Tribal Health Compact Nomination Letter (2021)

146 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
3d. Nomination – Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians

308 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
3d. Nomination – Taos Pueblo

138 KBpdftsgac
4. DOI’s Detailed Plan for Improving Interior’s Implementation of E.O. 13175

234 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
4. IHS Response Letter to November TSGAC Meeting

202 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
4. IHS Response Letter to TSGAC from August 2022 Meeting

408 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
4. IHS Response to TSGAC – (to TSGAC Nov. follow-up letter)

2 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
4. Strategic Planning for SGAC

66 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
4a. 2021- Response Letter to TSGAC from VA

, 111 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
4a. Pay Cost Presentation

2 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
4a. TSGAC Letter to IHS (follow-up from November meeting)

118 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
4b. IHS Letter in Response to Feb 2021 TSGAC Meeting

2 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
4b. Section 105(l) Presentation

8 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
4c. OSG Update

732 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
4d. IEED Presentation on Electrification

338 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
5. ACA/IHCIA Project Update

234 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
5. DTLL – Banned Equipment

617 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
5. OSG Update Presentation

699 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
5. Strategic Planning Presentation for TSGAC

64 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
5a. 2021- TSGAC Brief: American Indian and Alaska Native Marketplace Enrollment, Including Access to Cost-Sharing Protections

, 320 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials health-reform advisory-committeestsgac
5a. OTSG Update – Jennifer Cooper

766 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
5b. American Indian and Alaska Native Marketplace Enrollment

320 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
5b. HIT Modernization Presentation – Mitch Thornbrugh

241 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
5c. Medicare Telehealth Coverage Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

237 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
5c. NIHB’s Health IT Modernization Presentation – A.C. Locklear

224 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
5d. ACA/IHCIA Issues Chart

308 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
5d. HIT Modernization Presentation – Stewart Ferguson

1 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
5e. IHS Budget Update Presentation

590 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6. ACA Project – Issues Chart

186 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6. NIHB HIT Modernization Letter to Congress

214 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6. OTSG Update Presentation

1 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6. PROGRESS Act Negotiated Rulemaking Updates from DOI

56 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
6a. ACA/IHCIA Presentation

239 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6a. OSG Presentation – Freeman

395 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
6a. OTSG Brochure

8 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6b. Briefing Doc: Marketplace Enrollment

422 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6b. Negotiations Guidance

8 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6b. OJS Presentation – O’Neal

3 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
6c. HEARTH – Trust Evaluations Presentation

114 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
6c. Presentation: OTSG Update

3 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6c. Presentation: Public Health Emergency Unwinding

4 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6d: MM Leg and Admin Priorities Summary

106 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
6e – Presentation: Budget Update

623 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
7. ACA Project Presentation

331 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
7. Hoopa Valley Tribe – Position Paper on Water and Sanitation

1 MBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
7. Tribal Talking Points for SGAC Meeting

33 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
7a. ACA Project – Report

253 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
7a. VA Presentation – Birdwell

7 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
7b. ACF Presentation – Sauve

1 MBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
7c. ACA Project Update – Sullivan

271 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
7d- OTSG Update Presentation – Cooper

6 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
7e- Budget Update Presentation – Curtis

555 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
7f- HIT Modernization Presentation- Thornbrugh

1 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
8. NIHB Letter – Indian Health Service Contract Support Costs Legislative Fix

174 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
8. OFA Update Presentation

556 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
8. USET Letter to OMB Regarding IDC Guidance

238 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
9. CHAP Presentation

11 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
9. Proposed ISDA Amendments to Retain Current CSC Reimbursements

18 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
9. TSGAC Tribal Talking Points – July 2021

24 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
ACA Project – Issues Chart

318 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
ACA Project – Work Plan 2024

156 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
ACA Project Update

251 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
ACA Project Update – Presentation

107 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
Aggregate Net Reporting Presentation – August 2023

2 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
Ak Chin Indian Community – HEARTH Act Presentation

A presentation regarding the HEARTH Act created by the Ak Chin Indian …

733 KBpptxhearth-act-authority
Alaska Area – TSGAC Nomination Process

88 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
Alaska Native Issues: Federal Agencies Could Enhance Support for Native Village Efforts to Address Environmental Threats

More than 70 out of over 200 Alaska Native villages face significant environmental threats from …

6 MBpdfgao
Announcement of U.S. Support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

President Obama recommitted ―to supporting tribal self-determination, security and prosperity for all Native Americans. He …

310 KBpdfhistoric-materials
BIA – Climate Resiliency Program

44 MBpptx2024-conference
BIA List of Self-Governance Laws

, 749 KBpdfinterior laws-regulations federal-agencies
Bios of key staff within GAO

544 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
BREAKOUT SESSION_Maximizing Indian Health Care Programs

BREAKOUT SESSION_Maximizing Indian Health Care …



BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation Handout

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation …

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Document Page Request (2nd Request) example

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Document Page Request (2nd Request) …

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Document Page Request_TTE example

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Document Page Request_TTE …

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Questionnaire Example

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Questionnaire …

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Questionnaire Example 2

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Questionnaire Example …

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Tribal Representation Letter Template Example

BREAKOUT SESSION_Tribal Trust Evaluation_Tribal Representation Letter Template …

Budget Presentation – NCAI – August 2023

1 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
Budget Update – JB – August 2023

2 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
Budget Update – Presentation

2 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
Bureau of Indian Education Has Addressed Some Management Weaknesses, but Additional Work Is Needed on Others

Federal management of programs that serve tribes and their members has been on our High Risk …

928 KBpdfgao
CHAP Presentation

6 MBpptx2024-conference
CHAP Presentation – IHS

1 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
CHAP Presentation – NWPAIHB

5 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
Chickasaw Nation- Elder Care

6 MBpptx2024-conference
Chippewa Cree Presentation on P4

5 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
Chippewa Cree Tribe Compact of Self-Governance with DOI – Demonstration Project

Chippewa Cree Tribe’s Self-Governance Compact with DOI for the Demonstration …

691 KBpdfhistoric-materials
Comptroller General Decision – Land Acquisition by the Yurok Indian Tribe

Comptroller General of the United States Decision: Use of funds available to the Yurok Indian …

, 375 KBpdfimplementation other-agencies self-governance-resources federal-agencies
Congressional Hearing – Indian Self-Determination Act of 1972

An open public hearing to take testimony from administration of Indian witnesses on S.3157, the …

5 MBpdfcongress
CRS Report – 1985 – Analysis of American Indian Affairs: Background, Nature, History, Current Issues, Future Trends

Analyzes the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, focusing on the nature and …

5 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
CRS Report: Definitions of “Inherently Governmental Function” in Federal Procurement Law and Guidance

CRS Report on Inherently Federal Functions definitions in procurement law

391 KBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
Data Sovereignty Discussion

254 KBpptxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
Day 1 Agenda

Day 1 Agenda …

Department of Transportation Presentation on Self-Governance

Presentation from the Department of Transportation on its implementation of Tribal Self-Governance …

116 KBpptxtransportation federal-agencies
DOI – Basics of Self-Governance

Self Governance Basics at DOI – SG Conference …

13 MBpptx2024-conference
DOI IG Report: Indian Affairs Offices’ Poor Recordkeeping and Coordination Threaten Impact of Tiwahe Initiative

Summary: The DOI Inspector General evaluated the policies and practices of the Office of Indian …

2 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles

597 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
DOI Self-Governance Demonstration Project Compact – Quinault Nation – 1990

This Compact is to carry out an unprecedented Self-Governance Demonstration Project, authorized by Title III, …

992 KBpdfhistoric-materialsdoi
DOI STAC Membership List

179 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
DOI Tribal Shares Overview

732 KBpptx2024-conference
DRAFT Letter on CHAP for TSGAC discussion

15 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
DTLL – PROGRESS Act Regulations – Consultations

, 907 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-materials-current advisory-committeessgac
DTLL – Small Ambulatory Program

326 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
EO: Reforming Federal Funding and Support for Tribal Nations to Better Embrace Tribal Self-Determination

83 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeessgac tsgac
Example of a Multi-Year Funding Agreement

Tribal Nation’s Multi-Year Funding Agreement (Funding Agreement) which covers fiscal years 2016-2023 with the Indian …

4 MBpdfimplementation self-governance-resourcesihs
FAAB Letter to Director Tso (2) – July 2024

913 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
FAAB Letter to Director Tso – July 2024

2 MBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
February 2023 – List of ongoing GAO reviews related to federal Indian programs

141 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
FTCA Claims

3 MBpdfjudicial
GAO Overview of FMCI Team

33 KBdocxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
GAO Overview of Strategic Planning Processs

1 MBdocxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
GAO Overview of the NRE Team

297 KBdocxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
GAO Presentation – Overview of GAO

, 13 MBpptadvisory-meeting-materials gao advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
GAO Report: INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE Considerations Related to Providing Advance Appropriation Authority

Highlights: The Indian Health Service (IHS), like most federal agencies, must use appropriations in the …

1 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
GAO Report: Indian Programs: Interior Should Address Factors Hindering Tribal Administration of Federal Programs

Highlights: GAO found that various factors can affect tribes’ use of self-determination contracts and self-governance …

4 MBpdffederal-studies journal-articles
GAO TAC – Draft Charter and Protocols

32 KBdocxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
GAO TAC Meeting Agenda – February 9, 2023

Agenda for the Feb 9 TAC …

85 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
GAO TAC Meeting Agenda for September 2022

Agenda for Sept. 28, 2022 meeting of the GAO Tribal Advisory …

87 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac

30 KBdocxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
GAO TIAC Update – August 2023

940 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
GSA Overview

2 MBpdf2024-conference
HEARTH Act Presentation – BIA

602 KBpptxhearth-act-authority
History and Overview of CSC

160 KBpptx2024-conference
History, Status, and Future of Tribal Self-Governance under ISDEAA

Reviews the history of Tribal Self-Governance authority, identifies challenges to the continued growth of Self-Governance, …

458 KBpdfjournal-articles
House Appropriations Hearing – 1987 – following AZ Republic Articles

Representative Yates: “It is hard to designate by title the subject of this hearing. It …

19 MBpdfhistoric-materials
House Hearing on HR 3394, Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act

House Hearing on HR 3394, Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act Statements: Dr. Eddie Brown, Assistant …

15 MBpdfhistoric-materials
House Hearing: Contract Support Costs within IHS and BIA

Excerpt: Statement of Representative Don Young: The consistent failure of Federal agencies (IHS and BIA) …

9 MBpdfcongress
House Report 102 -320 – 1991 – Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act

Recommends passage with an amendment of H.R. 3394, the Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act of …

, 389 KBpdfcongress historic-materials

“Between 1998 and 2011, the skies over Indian country existed in a regulatory gap. This …

2 MBpdfother journal-articles
IA Budget Update – 2024

1 MBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeessgac
IHS – Basics of Self-Governance

IHS Self-Governance …

IHS – Opioid Panel Discussion

3 MBpptx2024-conference
IHS 105(l) Presentation

625 KBpptx2024-conference
IHS Budget Update – Presentation

284 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
IHS Budget Update – Presentation

741 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
IHS Budget Update- July 2024

866 KBpptxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
IHS CSC Presentation

2 MBpptx2024-conference

“This Handbook has been developed to provide guidance to officials of the Indian Health Service …

20 MBpdfself-determination-resourcesihs
IHS Tribal Shares Presentation

1 MBpptx2024-conference

120 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
Implicit Divestiture of Tribal Powers: Locating Legitimate Sources of Authority in Indian Country

Excerpt: The United States Supreme Court has been severely criticized by tribal leaders, tribal advocates, …

3 MBpdfjournal-articles

“This article will explore the Supreme Court’s creation and subsequent use of implicit divestiture as …

3 MBpdfother journal-articles
Indian Health Service: Relief Funding and Agency Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

The Indian Health Service (IHS) received more than $9 billion in COVID-19 relief funding, an …

1 MBpdfgao
Joint Venture Presentation – July 2024

210 KBpptadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac

Excerpt: “Good Morning! I feel honored to have the opportunity to speak before such a …

, historic-materials tribal-nations-experienceihs
LETTER_Sec. Becerra_SelfGovernanceExpansionResponse 07282022

LETTER_Sec. Becerra_SelfGovernanceExpansionResponse …

Manilaq Association v. Burwell

152 KBpdfjudicial
Medicaid Redetermination

1 MBpptx2024-conference
Medicaid Unwinding

385 KBpptx2024-conference
Medication Update – IHS Presentation

8 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
Midnight Rider: The EPA and Tribal Self-Determination

Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma added a rider to an otherwise benign transportation bill …

145 KBpdfjournal-articles
Mission Act Section 403

6 MBpptx2024-conference
NAHASDA Fact Sheet – CRS

The Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA), P.L. 104-330, reorganized the …

412 KBpdfother-agencies federal-agencies
Native American Business Incubators Program Act

258 KBpdf
Navajo Area Nominations to TSGAC

266 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
New Document Title

Enter an excerpt to provide document context in filter and search results.

9 KBpdf
New Policy for Processing HEARTH Act Proposed Regulations

83 KBpdfhearth-act-authority
NIHB – Advance Appropriations

6 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
NIHB Legislative and Policy Update

21 MBpptx2024-conference
NIHB Presentation on IHS Budget

738 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
Nomination – SGAC NW Region

659 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
Not Invisible Act of 2019

249 KBpdf
OEHE Presentation

628 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
OHR Update Presentation – July 2024

1 MBpptxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
Opioid Settlement Update – Presentation

126 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
OSG Update – August 2023

2 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
OSG Update – July 2024

623 KBpptxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeessgac
P4 Produce Program – IHS Presentation

7 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
PRESENTATION 2022 Self-Gov Increasing Medicare Medicaid and Other Revenue

PRESENTATION 2022 Self-Gov Increasing Medicare Medicaid and Other …

PRESENTATION BIL funding Presentation – July 2022

PRESENTATION BIL funding Presentation – July …

PRESENTATION Nation-Building and Self-Governance 7-2022

PRESENTATION Nation-Building and Self-Governance …

PRESENTATION Self Regulation Power Point READ only 072722

PRESENTATION Self Regulation Power Point READ only …

Presentation – OTSG Update – July 2024

671 KBpptxadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
PRESENTATION 2022 SelfGovernace Trust Evaluations

PRESENTATION 2022 SelfGovernace.Trust …

PRESENTATION 2022 Tribal Self-Governance Conference (AVSO 072922)

PRESENTATION 2022 Tribal Self-Governance Conference (AVSO …



PRESENTATION DRES Updates – PIA (07.25.2022)


Presentation on IHS Strategic Plan – July 2024

660 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
PRESENTATION OTS Presentation – July 2022

PRESENTATION OTS Presentation – July …



PRSENTATION GAO Appropriations Law Slides – August 1, 2022

PRSENTATION GAO Appropriations Law Slides – August 1, …

PRSENTATION ISDEAAFacilityLeaseTribalExample


PRSENTATION naywcf bb presentation july 2022

PRSENTATION naywcf bb presentation july …

Purchasing Insurance on the Marketplace

Rocky Boy Health Center …

5 MBpptx2024-conference
Quinault Nation – Climate Resiliency

55 MBpptx2024-conference

“This guide is filled with information from the largest research study ever done in Indian …

7 MBpdfother journal-articles

“This guide is a tool in our quest to replace false narratives — and specifically …

3 MBpdfother journal-articles
Rhonda Harjo – Presentation to GAO TAC

12 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeesgao-tac gaotac
Savanna’s Act

An act to  direct the Attorney General to review, revise, and develop law enforcement and …

253 KBpdf
Section 105(l) Presentation

4 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
Section 105(l) Presentation – DOI

4 MBpptxadvisory-membership advisory-committeessgac
Senate Hearing on S. 1287, Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act

Senate hearing on S. 1287, The Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act. Statements: Allen, William Ron, …

15 MBpdfcongress
Senate Hearing: Obstacles and Impediments to Expansion of Self-Governance

Excerpt: Senator McCain: The committee will receive testimony on the Department of the Interior’s management …

7 MBpdfself-governance-resources
Senate Oversight Hearing: IHS Implementation of the Tribal Self-Governance Act – 1995

“This oversight hearing will focus on how the Indian Health Service is implementing the Tribal …

, 10 MBpdfcongress historic-materials
Senate Report – 102-199 – 1991

The purpose of S. 1287 is to extend and expand the Self-Governance Demonstration Project in …

504 KBpdfcongress
SGAC – Talking Points and Action Items from Feb 20

31 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
SGAC Protocols (June 2018)

136 KBpdfadvisory-committeessgac
SGAC Protocols- Approved 4-22-14

DOI Self-Governance Advisory Committee Protocols. Approved April …

108 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
SGAC Talking Points – November 2022

32 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
SGCETC – Testimony – Priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill Reauthorization

213 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac tsgac
Sitka Tribe’s Experience Negotiating with Non-BIA Agencies

8 MBpptx2024-conference
Standards for the Review and Approval of CSC in the BIA

“The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has developed its Contract Suppon Costs (CSC) policy with …

395 KBpdfself-determination-resourcesdoi
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS_Federal Register_SG Planning Funds_2022-15075

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS_Federal Register_SG Planning …

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS_Press Release_IHS Funding Opportunities Support Tribal Self

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS_Press Release_IHS Funding Opportunities Support Tribal …

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS_Support for Alcatraz Cultural Center

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS_Support for Alcatraz Cultural …

Template Letter – Request to Exclude ARPA funds from IDC rate negotiations

35 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
TEMPLATE Letter to House_Senate Appropriations Committees Regarding Funding for Tiwahe in FY 2023

38 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
TERRA Fact Sheet

38 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeessgac
TERRA One-Pager

20 KBpdfadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeessgac
Title VI: Draft Legislation – S.1696

58 KBpdfinitiatives self-governance-resources
Title VI: Expansion of Self-Governance Within the Department of Health and Human Services

Tribal Strategy …

21 KBpdfinitiatives self-governance-resources
Title VI: Letter from Secretary Sebelius Regarding the Tribal-Federal Workgroup (2013)

101 KBpdfinitiatives self-governance-resources
Title VI: Senate Report 108-412

1 MBpdfinitiatives self-governance-resources

99 KBdocinitiatives self-governance-resources

Title VI of the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act (Public Law 93-638, as …

, , 14 MBpdfhealth-and-human-services historic-materials initiatives federal-agencies self-governance-resources
Title VI: Tribal Self-Governance Health Care and Social Services Delivery Effectiveness Evaluation Feasibility Study

This Draft Report is intended to provide a legislative background and history of Tribal Self-Governance …

520 KBpdfinitiatives self-governance-resources
Title VI: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Self-Governance Tribal Federal Workgroup

HHS created a Self-Governance Tribal Federal Workgroup (SGTFW) to assist HHS to: (1) Prioritize the …

, 371 KBpdfhealth-and-human-services initiatives federal-agencies self-governance-resources
Treasury Updates

4 MBpptx2024-conference
Tribal Broadband: National Strategy and Coordination Framework Needed to Increase Access

Federal funding from 2015–2020 has increased broadband access for people living on tribal lands, but …

3 MBpdfgao
Tribal Climate Resiliency Program – August 2023

45 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
Tribal Economic Development: Action is Needed to Better Understand the Extent of Federal Support

Federal efforts to support economic development among tribal entities (such as tribal governments and businesses) …

1 MBpdfgao
Tribal Food Sovereignty Act – Proposed Legislation

25 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac tsgac
Tribal Funding: Actions Needed to Improve Information on Federal Funds That Benefit Native Americans

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provides information to tribal stakeholders and others on …

1 MBpdfgao
Tribal Priority Allocation Presentation

9 MBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeessgac
Tribal Sponsorship Marketplace

6 MBpptx2024-conference
Tribal Transportation Program – Overview

“In 1982, Congress created the Federal Lands Highway Program (FLHP) under the Surface Transportation Assistance …

3 MBpdftransportation federal-agencies
Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program Regulations

226 KBpdftransportation federal-agencies
Trying A New Way Report

, 12 MBpdffederal-studies historic-materials journal-articles
TSGAC Brief – Tribal Sponsorship of Medicare Part B and Part D Premiums

379 KBpdfhealth-reform
TSGAC Comments on the IHS Strategic Plan

, 104 KBpdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
TSGAC Protocols – Approved 7-30-14

Protocols for the IHS Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee. Approved July …

142 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
TSGAC Talking Points – DRAFT

27 KBdocxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac

134 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
TSGAC_ HHS Priorities_ 2023

155 KBpdfadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
Updates on Opioid Cases – PRESENTATION

120 KBpptxadvisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
USDA Presentation on 105(l)

25 MBpptx2024-conference

715 KBpdf
Working with the FCC

2 MBpptx2024-conference