To fulfill the VA Tribal Consultation Policy, Executive Order 13175, and the Presidential Memorandum on Tribal Consultation, the TSGAC offers the following recommendations:
• Prior to the establishment of the VA-TAC, we request that VA conduct consultation with Tribes regarding the VA-TAC charter, priorities, organizational structure, duties and process, including confirmation that the VA-TAC is exempt from the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).
• In addition to membership from the twelve IHS service areas, we request that the TSGAC be provided an opportunity to appoint a delegate from our Committee to the VA-TAC in order to specifically advise the VA on evolving issues of relevance to Self-Governance Tribes, similar to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Tribal Technical Advisory Group (TTAG).
• VA should ensure training and education for VA personnel about the Tribal consultation processes and government-to-government relationship.
• In consultation with the VA-TAC, VA should develop a Strategic Plan to address opportunities and challenges of implementing legislation