We want to thank all of you who attended the ACA/IHCIA Training held on November 19-20, 2024 at Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, CT. As promised, please see below for the related PPT presentations and hand-outs that were discussed during the training. Please feel free to share with others in your Tribe/Organization.

Purpose of Training: The Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) is excited to be hosting an in-person training on the Affordable Care Act/Indian Health Care Improvement Act (ACA/IHCIA) in Uncasville, CT. The Training is targeted for Tribal leaders, Health Directors and front-line health care staff who would like to learn more about opportunities available under the ACA/IHCIA.


Day 1 – Nov. 19th

  • Cyndi Ferguson, SENSE Incorportated, ACA/IHCIA Project Lead

Day 2 – Nov. 20th

  • Increasing health care resources and services through revenue cycle management
  • Tihtiyas (Dee) Sabattus, Deputy Director, USET

  • Elliott Milhollin, Partner, Hobbs, Straus, Dean and Walker
  • Implementation of the 4-walls Final Rule
  • Expansion of Medicare Part B AIR to all outpatient clinics
  • Requiring QHP plans to reimburse at the Medicaid AIR for Tribal Medicaid FQHCs
  • Amending Part D Tribal Addendum to require payment from PBMs and other issuers
  • Requiring Medicare Advantage plans to pay tribal providers at the AIR
  • Reducing Costs to PRC and Tribal Self-Insured Plans through Medicare Like Rates
  • Expanding access to tribes for Health Related Social Needs waivers