The Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) hosted an Affordable Care Act/Indian Health Care Improvement Act (ACA/IHCIA) Webinar on Wednesday, November 16th, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm (ET). Topics for the Webinar included:
- Updates on ACA/IHCIA Current Issues
- Overview of the recently finalized Contract Support Costs (CSC) policy issued by the Indian Health Service.
Supporting Documents:
- 1_ihs-csc-policy-update-final_rbutcher-11-15-2016
- 2_tsgac-webinar-exemption-from-tax-penalty-2016-11-15a
- 3_tsgac-memo-aca-in-2017-and-trump-ryan-health-care-plans-2016-11-15a
- cms-handout-working-with-ai-an-2016-09
- tsgac-webinar-exemption-from-tax-penalty-2016-11-15a