Advisory Committee Correspondence

2012 – Program Formulas Matrix Report

Per a directive issued by the Self Governance advisory Committee (SGAC), the Technical Workgroup conduct a comprehensive analysis of several Indian Affairs programs with the intent to develop formulas matrix that displays certain information.

2018- TSGAC Letter: Request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 105(l) Leasing Expenditures and Estimates

“TSGAC respectfully requests that IHS provides a full accounting of the reprogrammed and appropriated funds utilized to fulfill all of the FY2018 requests for 105(l) leases. This accounting should include the IHS Services line items that have been impacted, the impact of reprogramming changes by IHS Area, the number of leases requested, and the IHS …

2018- TSGAC Letter: Request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 105(l) Leasing Expenditures and Estimates Read More »

2020- SGAC Letter: Contrary DOI Administrative Restrictions Applied to CARES Act Funding for Self-Governance Tribe

“On April 13, 2020, DOI issued a “Dear Tribal Leader Letter” (DTLL) to announce that it decided, without Tribal consultation, how it would disburse funds authorized under the CARES Act to Tribal governments through its Aid to Tribal Government Program ($380 million) and its Welfare Assistance Program ($20 million). One ‘informational only’ call was held …

2020- SGAC Letter: Contrary DOI Administrative Restrictions Applied to CARES Act Funding for Self-Governance Tribe Read More »