2018 – Office of Self-Governance Update – January
Presentation provided by the Office of Self-Governance highlighting program progress, staff changes/additions, and funding status
Presentation provided by the Office of Self-Governance highlighting program progress, staff changes/additions, and funding status
Document expressing support for the proposed amendments to the Department of the Interior – Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Contract Support Costs policy. The proposed policy changes were deliberated through the BIA Contract Support Cost workgroup, allowing for meaningful input and the active engagement of Tribal leadership and representatives in the process
Letter from Ysleta del Sur Pueblo nominating Governor Carlos Hisa to represent the Southwest Region as the alternate SGAC member.
Summary of the SGAC qtly. mtg. held on March 29, 2016
Summary of the qtly. SGAC mtg. held on October 25 and 26,2016