Advisory Committees

2019- TSGAC Letter: Comments and Recommendations for Funding Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act 105(l) Leases

TSGAC expressed concern to IHS regarding its practice of reprogramming funds from other IHS accounts or funding intended for inflation costs or other purposes. TSGAC offered the following recommendations: (1) Request supplemental appropriations for FY 2019 105(l) leases. (2) Find other sources of funding for FY 2019 105(l) leases. (3) Convene a technical workgroup to …

2019- TSGAC Letter: Comments and Recommendations for Funding Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act 105(l) Leases Read More »

2018- TSGAC Issue Area Summary – Reimbursement for Purchased and Referred Care (PRC)

Excerpt: “Recommendation: THPs, in particular, work hard to provide a seamless health care experience. Lack of coordination of care for specialty care and other medically necessary care paid by PRC will only create more barriers for our veterans. We recommend that the VA include PRC in the IHS/THP reimbursement agreements so that there is no …

2018- TSGAC Issue Area Summary – Reimbursement for Purchased and Referred Care (PRC) Read More »