2019- January – Sovereign Nations Newsletter
January 2019 Sovereign Nations Newsletter
In 2018, SGCETC and several other Tribal organizations provided the U.S. Government Accountability Office with comments on its report, Indian Health Service: Considerations Related to Providing Advance Appropriation Authority, and to request that GAO create a Tribal Advisory Committee.
In 2018, SGAC provided comments to the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs in response to the July 2, 2018 “Dear Tribal Leader Letter” regarding the Alaska Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (“Alaska IRA”).
In 2019, National Native Organizations, including SGCETC, sent a letter urging the President and Congress to re-open the government.
In 2019, SGCETC provided comments to the Bureau of Reclamation in its Draft Best Practices Handbook for Implementation of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (P.L. 93-638).