1995 – Issue 1 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Senator John McCain addresses concerns with the passage of H.R. 4842, The people of Kaw Nation continue to set precedents in Tribal leadership and Self-Governance, Al Ketzler, Sr. on the Tanana  Chiefs: The Heritage of Self-Governance

1994 – Issue 4 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: Permanent Status legislation has been passed by the Senate; The House-Senate Conferees have completed action on the FY 1995 appropriations for Interior and Related Agencies; Special Section: Map of Self-Governance Demonstration Project Tribes; Area Directors study role of BIA in future of Self-Governance; Building Allocation Consensus: IHS and Tribal Representatives From Work Group

1994 – Issue 2 – Sovereign Nations Newsletter

Inside: House Marks Up H.R. 3508;President Clinton Express Support for Tribal Self-Governance; Ron Brown, Acting Director of Interior Office of Self-Governance Retires; 1994 Spring Self-Governance Conference; Statement by Ada E. Deer, Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs; Will Self-Governance Become Permanent Legislation; Sac & Fox Nation/Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council Inc. Implement Self-Governance Pilot Project with USDA; Cocopach …

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