2015- SGAC Comments: Recommendations to Improve Coordination and Communication with Self-Governance Tribes
Letter delivered to Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs Kevin Washburn following a meeting with the SGAC highlighting recommendations to improve communication with Self-Governance Tribes
2016- SGAC Quarterly Meeting Summary – October
Meeting summary of the quarterly DOI Self-Governance Advisory Committee Quarterly Meeting held on October 25 and 26, 2016
2016 – SGAC – Comments on the Proposed Revisions to the Department of Interior’s Strategic Plan for FY2018-2022
Comments submitted in response to the Dear Tribal Leader Letter dated July 15, 2016 requesting American Indian and Alaska Native input and participation in the revision process for the DOI Strategic Plan for FY2018-2022
2016 – SGAC – Comments on the Implementation of the Indian Trust Asset Reform Act
Public Law 114-178 clearly affirms that ITARA does not replace the rights Tribes have to enter into Compacts. However the law should supplement and extend rights Tribes have under these Compacts and support expansion of Tribal Self-Determination. As such, SGAC provides the following comments to implement ITARA so that it maximizes Self-Governance.