2018- SGAC Letter: Opposition to BIA Reorganization
SGAC opposes the decision by the Department of the Interior to implement unilateral changes to its organizational structure without convening consultation with Tribal Leadership.
SGAC opposes the decision by the Department of the Interior to implement unilateral changes to its organizational structure without convening consultation with Tribal Leadership.
SGAC request for Indian Affairs to make workforce planning strategies—such as succession planning, workforce right-sizing, and addressing gaps—a key priority. Specifically identifying the lack of a Deputy Director within OSG as a concern.
SGAC comments in response to DOI’s July 2, 2018 “Dear Tribal Leader Letters” regarding the Alaska Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (“Alaska IRA”); and, 2) the Secretary’s authority to take land-into-trust in Alaska.
SGAC finds the Department of the Interior’s decision to halt data collection efforts intended to support the annual BIA budget request deeply disappointing.
SGAC requests that the Bureau of Indian Education initiate changes that will ensure Tribally-Controlled Schools maintain access to Government Services Administration (GSA) Interagency Motor Pool (also referred to as “GSA Fleet”) Leasing.