2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Purchasing Health Care Coverage (IHS Circular 2016-08)

Comments submitted on behalf of TSGAC regarding IHS Circular 2016-08, Purchasing Health Care Coverage (Draft Circular). The Draft Circular addresses the purchase of health care coverage, commonly referred to as Tribal Premium Sponsorship (TPS or Sponsorship). Specifically, the draft Circular seeks to provide further detailed guidance to IHS Area Offices regarding the current IHS policy …

2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Purchasing Health Care Coverage (IHS Circular 2016-08) Read More »

2016 – TSGAC – Identification of Staff for Developing Level of Need Funded Data

The TSGAC previously commented to you in a letter dated September 27, 2016 (enclosed), that the 25 U.S.C. 458aaa-13(a)(2) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act requires the annual report to Congress on the administration of the Tribal SelfGovernance Program include a detailed analysis of LNF. This analysis must include the level of need …

2016 – TSGAC – Identification of Staff for Developing Level of Need Funded Data Read More »

2016 – TSGAC – Letter – Comments on Purchasing Health Care Coverage (IHS Circular 2016-08)

These comments were submitted on behalf of the TSGAC on IHS Circular 2016-08, Purchasing Health Care Coverage (Draft Circular). The Draft Circular addresses the purchase of health care coverage, commonly referred to as Tribal Premium Sponsorship (TPS or Sponsorship). Specifically, the draft Circular seeks to provide further detailed guidance to IHS Area Offices regarding the …

2016 – TSGAC – Letter – Comments on Purchasing Health Care Coverage (IHS Circular 2016-08) Read More »