2021- TSGAC Letter: Establishment of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Tribal Advisory Committee

To fulfill the VA Tribal Consultation Policy, Executive Order 13175, and the Presidential Memorandum on Tribal Consultation, the TSGAC offers the following recommendations: • Prior to the establishment of the VA-TAC, we request that VA conduct consultation with Tribes regarding the VA-TAC charter, priorities, organizational structure, duties and process, including confirmation that the VA-TAC is …

2021- TSGAC Letter: Establishment of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Tribal Advisory Committee Read More »

2018- TSGAC Letter: Inclusion of Purchased and Referred Care (PRC) in Veterans Affairs and Indian Health Service Reimbursement Agreements

“The TSGAC urges the VA to establish a formally sanctioned workgroup or Tribal Advisory Committee comprised of Federal and Tribal officials to provide education, advocacy, policy guidance and recommendations regarding implementation of the VA-IHS MOU, related individual Tribal MOUs, and to ensure cooperation and coordination of healthcare programs and services for veterans. Currently, the VA …

2018- TSGAC Letter: Inclusion of Purchased and Referred Care (PRC) in Veterans Affairs and Indian Health Service Reimbursement Agreements Read More »

2021- TSGAC Letter: Funds Authorized in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

“In response to IHS’ request for input on the factors it should consider in developing a methodology for allocating the funds authorized in ARPA, the Tribal SelfGovernance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) offers recommendations like those we provided during prior coronavirus relief consultations, including: • Funding allocations should use existing methodologies that rely upon well-known and understood …

2021- TSGAC Letter: Funds Authorized in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Read More »

2017- TSGAC Letter: Request for Tribal Consultation on HHS Reimagining Initiative

Excerpt: “TSGAC believes that any efforts to reorganize, streamline, or create efficiencies require Tribal Consultation under the HHS Tribal Consultation Policy, most recently revised in 2010. The Department’s Tribal Consultation Policy states that “Before any action is taken that will significantly affect Indian Tribes it is the HHS policy that…consultation with Indian Tribes will occur.” …

2017- TSGAC Letter: Request for Tribal Consultation on HHS Reimagining Initiative Read More »