The Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996
(NAHASDA), P.L. 104-330, reorganized the system of federal housing assistance to
Native Americans by eliminating several separate programs of assistance and replacing
them with a single block grant program. In addition to simplifying the process of
providing housing assistance, the purpose of NAHASDA is to provide federal assistance
for Indian tribes in a manner that recognizes the right of Indian self-determination and
tribal self-governance.
The Act provides block grants to Indian tribes or their tribally designated housing
entities (TDHE) for affordable housing activities. Affordable housing activities include
modernizing and providing assistance to housing developed under prior HUD contracts,
as well as model activities as approved by HUD. The tribe must submit an Indian
housing plan (HP), with long- and short-term goals and proposed activities, which is
reviewed by HUD for compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.