

The Indian Health Service (IHS) Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) provides a forum for Tribal and Federal officials to discuss issues related to Tribal administration of Federal programs and services, exchange ideas, and develop solutions intended to improve Self-Governance and enhance the Tribal-Federal partnership.

TSGAC membership consists of a Primary and an Alternate representative from each of the IHS Areas that have Self-Governance Tribes. The Primary and Alternate TSGAC members from each region also select two persons to serve as Official Members of the TSGAC Technical Workgroup.

TSGAC protocols outline the committee’s roles, responsibilities, and the process for committee members to submit for travel reimbursement.

TSGAC Chair: Chris Anoatubby, Lt. Governor, Chickasaw Nation

Federal Technical Workgroup Co-Chair: Rena Macy, Director (Acting), Office of Tribal Self-Governance, Indian Health Service

Tribal Technical Workgroup Co-Chair: Candice Skenandore, Self-Governance/Grants Director, Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut


Ileen Sylvester, Southcentral Foundation (Alaska Primary)
Jim Roberts, Senior Executive, Intergovernmental Affairs, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (Alaska Alternate)
Gary Lujan, Governor, Taos Pueblo (Primary)
E. Michael Silvas, Governor, Ysleta del Sur Pueblo (Alternate)
Jennifer Webster, Councilwoman, Oneida Nation (Primary)
Lenore Myers-Nault, Councilmember, Chippewa Cree Tribe (Primary)
Mike Dolson, Councilman, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (Alternate)
TBD, Hoopa Valley Tribe (Primary)
Robert Smith, Chairman, Pala Band of Mission Indians (Alternate)
Douglas Yankton, Chairman, Spirit Lake Nation (Great Plains Primary)
Victoria Kitcheyan, Chairwoman, Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska (Great Plains Alternate)
Beverly Cook, Chief, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (Eastern Primary)
Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, Chairwoman, Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head Aquinnah (Eastern Alternate)
Dr. Buu Nygren, President, Navajo Nation (Primary)
Kim Russell, Executive Director, Navajo Department of Health (Alternate)
John Barrett, Jr., Chairman, Citizen Pottawatomi Nation (Primary)
Lana Butler, Secretary, Sac and Fox Nation (Alternate)
Chris Anoatubby, Lt. Governor, Chickasaw Nation (Primary)
Gary Batton, Chief, Choctaw Nation (Alternate)
Joey Whitman, Councilman, Gila River Indian Community (Primary)
Robert Miguel, Chairman, Ak-Chin Indian Community (Alternate)
W. Ron Allen, Tribal Chairman/CEO, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe (Primary)
TBD, Lummi Nation (Alternate)
Daniel Preston, Councilman, Tohono O’odham Nation (Primary)
Anthony Francisco, Councilman, Tohono O’odham Nation (Alternate)

TSGAC Correspondence

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